
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:秦秀白,张凤春 编  页数:331  




Unit One FriendshipGet StartedListen and RespondRead and ExploreText A What Is Friendship?Text B After Twenty YeaOptional Classroom ActivitiesEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnjoy EnglishUnit Two LoveGet StartedListen and RespondRead and ExploreText A How Deep Is Your Love?Text B Holding HandsOptional Classroom ActivitiesEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnjoy EnglishUnit Three HappinessGet StartedListen and RespondRead and ExploreText A The Pu uit of Happiness for the Common GoodText B Material Things and HappinessOptional Classroom ActivitiesEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnjoy EnglishUnit Four HealthGet StartedListen and RespondRead and ExploreText A How to Grow OldText B AWhisper of AIDSOptional Classroom ActivitiesEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnjoy EnglishPractice Test Ⅰ(Units 1-4)Unit Five EducationGet StartedListen and RespondRead and ExploreText A Education in Cybe paceText B The Four Pilla of Education in the Twenty-Fi t Centu~Optional Classroom ActivitiesEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnjoy EnglishUnit Six Intercultural CommunicationGet StartedListen and RespondRead and ExploreText A Culture ShockText B Rich Met My MotherOptional Classroom ActivitiesEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnjoy EnglishUnit Seven The Olympic SpiritGet StartedListen and RespondRead and ExploreText A What Makes Olympic Champio ?Text B Toke of the Olympic IdealOptional Classroom ActivitiesEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnjoy EnglishUnit Eight Man and SocietyGet StartedListen and RespondRead and ExploreText A Competition and CooperationText B Standards of ConductOptional Classroom ActivitiesEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnjoy EnglishPractice Test Ⅱ(Units 5-8)Appendix ⅠScripts and Key to Practice Test ⅠAppendix ⅡScripts and Key to Practice Test ⅡAppendix Ⅲ Glossary




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