
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:杨任明 主编  页数:205  字数:422000  


  《英语专业四级考试(单项突破)系列:英语专业四级考试模拟试题集》根据2004年出版的高等学校英语专业四级考试大纲的基本精神和要求编写,力图真实反映考试的特点和要求,使读者熟悉和了解考试的基本项目和所涉及的语言技能和能力。  本书主要由8套模拟试卷(其中2套为历年真题)、8套模拟试卷详细解析和8套模拟试卷参考答案组成。


附录1 录音文字
附录2 录音文字


  TEXT A  "There is very little in my life that is more personal and more important to me than comets." The amateur astronomer David H.Levy told Terence Dickinson in an interview."Not just discovering them but watching them, learning about them, writing about them, understanding what they do.It makes observing the sky intensely personal.I feel when I find a new comet that a door has been opened and I have seen a slightly new aspect of nature.  There is this object in the solar system that - for a few minutes or a few hours - only I know about.It is like trying to pry a secret out of nature.It is a very special feeling."  Ever since he was a child, David Levy has been fascinated by the night sky and the wonders it reveals to devoted watch man.He developed a special feeling for comets before he reached his teens, though it was not until 1984 - after nineteen years and more than nine hundred hours of combing the sky in search of them - that he discovered his first one, from a small observatory that he had built in his backyard.Since then, he has discovered or co-discovered twenty more, making him one of the world's most important comet hunters.His most celebrated find is periodic comet Shoemaker Levy 9, which he made with the husband-and-wife comet and asteroid hunting team Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker.The comet's aramatic collision with Jupiter in July 1994, which constituted "the greatest planetary show in recorded history," to quote Malcolm W.Browne of the New York Times, captivated not only professional astronomers, but many amateurs.  Although he is "only" an amateur astronomer, he earns his living by lecturing and writing books and by working with project artists.They're projects devoted to introducing astronomy to elementary school children.He has won tremendous respect from his professional colleagues for his success in tracking comets."David Levy is one of those rare individuals blessed with the gift of discovery," David Hartsel, who serves on the board of directors of the Richland Astronomical Society, in Ohio, has said."Even rarer is his ability to let others share in the excitement and wonder of those discoveries through his writing and lectures."  81.The primary purpose of this passage is to_________.  A.praise Levy for his contribution to the observation of comets  B.show that an amateur can do things as well as a professional  C.introduce David Levy as an astronomer and his profession  D.demonstrate that strong interest can help a person succeed in his life  82.All of the following are suggested in this passage as reasons for Levy's success as a respectable astronomer EXCEPT that_________.  A.he had the books and articles published on astronomy  B.he worked on a project intended to introduce astronomy  C.he was endowed with the gift of the discovery of comets  D.he was highly praised by his colleagues for his unselfishness  83.According to David Hartsel, he most appreciates Levy's_________.  A.gifted ability of comet hunting     B.way of expressing himself  C.curiosity to the sky and comets  D.spirit of devotion to astronomy  84.It can be inferred from the passage that_________.  A.Levy's parents are astronomers  B.Levy was born in the 1960s  C.Levy achieved his fame in the 1980s  D.Levy himself has discovered 21 comets altogether  TEXT B  Being a man has always been dangerous.There are about 105 males bom for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-year olds there are twice as many women as men.But the great universal of male mortality is being changed.Now, boy babies survive almost as well as girls do.This means that, for the first time, there will be an excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate.  More important, another chance for natural selection has been removed.Fifty years ago, the chance of a baby ( particularly a boy baby) surviving depended on its weight.A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death.Today it makes almost no difference.Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent of evolution has gone.  There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide: stay alive, but have fewer children.Few people are as fertile as in the past.Except in some religious communities, very few women have 15 children.Nowadays the number of births, like the age of death, has become average.Most of us have roughly the same number of offspring.Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished.India shows what is happening.The country offers wealth for a few in the great cities and poverty for the remaining tribal peoples.The grand mediocrity of today - everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring - means that natural selection has lost 80 percent of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.  ……



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  •   试题集很好,我觉得很实用
  •   挺好用的书,对于要靠专业四级的学生来说很适合
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  •   这本书是很不错,就是要下载听力,有点麻烦
  •   英语专业用的,暂时觉得不错,靠自己努力坚持学习
  •   这个也挺好,毕竟是专业英语编者,好用
  •   挺不错的。模拟题 。好好做 还是有收获
  •   专四考试越来越接近啦,希望能够帮助我通过考试~
  •   希望对考试有帮助,还有一个月,加油。
  •   不错的题解释也很详细
  •   里面的听力难度还可以,但是语法和词汇难度较大,不还好,有答案详解
  •   老师推荐的系列,会好好使用的~
  •   还没读 老师推荐的
  •   在备考专四啊,希望这本书能给我帮助
  •   我只希望我的专四能够顺顺利利过!!!!!求过求过!!!!!
  •   这本书很好,快递也很快哦,
  •   马上考专四了、书是老师推荐的、很好。
  •   不错,总共八套题讲解详细
  •   总之还行吧,就是有点贵
  •   两本书很好的
  •   有详细答案 具体还没看
  •   很不错。。。。。。。。
  •   书是好书,买了两本,,就是有点小贵 。
  •   好好好好好好 赞赞赞
  •   很喜欢,看上去很好,先用用试试
  •   不错比较实用,内容还可以
  •   我觉得不错,质量很好
  •   好书好书!强烈推荐!
  •   专四老师推荐的书
  •   替同学买,真心不错,专四了,大家加油!
  •   就是没有光盘还行吧
  •   准备寒假来做
  •   希望自己能一次过专四!!
  •   上外的啊
  •   专项训练,不错。
  •   这本书很好,是刚出的,第一版,好满意,希望我帮我通过专四。非常不错。
  •   还没有用,希望有所帮助哦
  •   非常好,特别值得推荐的一本书
  •   题型比较老了,不太合适现在的专四形式。不过练手也行!
  •   挺好的,就是边角有点折,希望今后包装好一点
  •   书是不错,但是要自己下载听力有点麻烦
  •   总的来说还不错,不过卷子有点少,怎么不直接送光盘呢
  •   随手一打就是十个大字
  •   很喜欢,宿舍都用的,希望对专四有帮助很喜欢,宿舍都用的,希望对专四有帮助
  •   这个系列的都有很好,习题很经典
  •   上海外语出版社的 挺好的 老师推荐的
  •   这本书还不错的,但是稍有折痕
  •   题挺不错的,就是答案如果和提分开就完美了。。对答案来回翻很麻烦
  •   很适合我们英语专业的学生,里面有八份模拟卷,就是听力需要下载,有点麻烦,但因为保护版权问题,是值得这样做的。
  •   很好的一本书,希望能帮助我顺利通过四级。
  •   总主编是邹申才买的,一般模拟题不轻易做。拿来练练dictation,练习听力技巧还是不错的。答案解释很详尽,听力答案都有解析。书本的总序对专四专八考试题型、时间安排都作了介绍。八套试卷有两套是真题。还是值得买的。
  •   听力与现在考试要求不符
  •   对于专四考试有帮助的
  •   很适合我们专业的学生用,又买了一次。
  •   其实还没开始做,不知道内容好不好,到时候在追评吧
  •   对考专四的学生来说真的很有用啊
  •   还没有开始做题,不过感觉还不错,喜欢
  •   不是试卷形式,感觉不是很好用
  •   看推荐书的效果应该还不错,还没开始用,不知道
  •   还没做过题目,不知道如何,感觉还不错吧
  •   印刷很清楚呢,跟学校订的一样啦,还不错啊
  •   书很好,下次再来购买。。。。。。。。。
  •   买来都怎么做过 感觉也就一般
  •   里面的内容和我们要考的题型差的远…
  •   还没用 希望对自己专四有帮助
  •   为了过关,要好好读……
  •   可以到官网上下载音频
  •   准备专四就多做题...
  •   老师推荐的。。。还好啦
  •   希望对专四有帮助
  •   感觉还行,就是物流也太慢了吧。
  •   书号可以,就是纸质不好
  •   不是试卷形式,感觉不太好用
  •   很全面,应该会有很大的帮助
  •   还没有做,,,不知道好不好。。。看看吧,,,。。
  •   从11年开始,专四考试词汇和语法部分就有变化了,不过这书12年5月出版,连12年的专四都考完了,题还是按以前的方式出,未免有点糊弄的嫌疑。
  •   当当的物流实在慢
  •   封面有点脏,感觉有点旧
  •   题型太旧,偏难
  •   要下载听力,超麻烦
  •   货物速度,一个月都没送达,已申请退货。
  •   给前任那个大烟花买的,所以很不好意思的给差评

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