
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:何兆熊 编  页数:257  




Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14


  As a university president,I feel that there is a serious danger in higher education today.We administrators are failing to meet our responsibilities because in our efforts to achievefinancial stability,we are losing sight of human needs in the university experience.We are failingto spend the time to develop meaningful relationships with students.This is our most basic responsibility,and I believe that this problem deserves our immediate attention.  People need people.In all that I read in newspapers,journals,and reports,I see very little about the primary responsibility of educators——一the student.Somehow,amid the budget reports and the frantic trips to state capitals and to Washington seeking financial assistance,no one remembered the student. As the pressures increase in the coming decade,I believe the real danger to higher education is depersonalization.A serious concern is that administrators will turn themselvesinto vague shadows on our campuses,into bureaucrats with no time in their busy schedules to meet with students.And I am not talking aboutjust“availability”here.I mean we need to maketime to develop deep personal relationships that will remain beyond the four short years of a university education.  Before it is too late,I think we need to ask oursel、ves this question:What is happening tothe dream that we could receive young people at the critical age of young adulthood and play a major role in their development?Have we forgotten our goal of developing their curiosity and helping them acquire good values?What happened to our role as counselors,as guides on thepathtothe goodlife?  Time.A simple four-letter word.I hear it constantly in halls and boardrooms.Nobody has any time.Our lives accelerate at such a rapid pace that we have no time even to say hello and goodbye.We rush here and there,and we don’t even know one another.And when we reachthat point,when we finally come face to face with the stranger who should be a friend,then we no longer can claim to call ourselves a communi~.When that time comesand it is almost here-we have lost an important part of the vision of higher education.   ……




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  •   对综合英语的课外自学还是很有帮助的。
  •   书上的练习基本上是按照专业四级题型来设计的,里面的知识点都是每个单元里的重点。题目比书上的习题难一点,蛮有挑战性的。
  •   学校里的教材 质量内容都不错
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  •   学校没统一发教材 需要我们自己买 不过挺好的

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