出版时间:2011-6 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:斯诺 页数:209
《大学英语综合应用能力选修课系列教材·跨文化交际技巧:如何跟西方人打交道(教师用书)》是讲授如何进行跨文化交际的一本教科书;以东西方文化差异产生碰撞的案例为轴线,通过阅读与课堂讨论,让学生掌握东西文化沟通的一些必备知识。 《大学英语综合应用能力选修课系列教材·跨文化交际技巧:如何跟西方人打交道(教师用书)》可以帮助学生提高英语表达能力。通过阅读与讨论,学会如何更细腻地表述自己的观点。学会如何在讨论中有效地传递自己的思想。帮助学生培养良好的跨文化交际习惯和技能。帮助学生了解西方文化的一些基本特征及跨文化交际的基本概念。帮助教师增进对跨文化交际、对其学生的文化,以及对自身文化的理解。 《大学英语综合应用能力选修课系列教材·跨文化交际技巧:如何跟西方人打交道(教师用书)》因着重课堂讨论,不仅适用于跨文化交际课程,也适用于口语训练课程。
AcknowledgementsTo The Teacher: Teaching Encounters with WesternersUnit 1LANGUAGE TOOLS Suggesting PossibilitiesENCOUNTER: The TaxiINTERCUTURAL COOMMUNICATION READING: Intercultural Communication andUnderstanding WesternersLETTER TO FRAN Not EatingFRAN'S RESPNSE Not EatingGULTURE DIFFFERENCE READING: Individualist and Collectivist CulturesUnit 2LANGUAGE TOOLS: Different Degrees of ProbabilityENCOUNTER: The GiftINTERGULTURAL COMMUNICATION READING: Interpreting What Foreigners MeanLETTER TO FRAN: A Helping HandFRAN'S RESPONSE: A Helping HandCULTURE DIFFERENCE READING: Public and Private BehaviorUnit 3LANGUAGE TOOLS: Making and Qualifying GeneralizationsENCOUNTER: Mistakes,INTERGULTURAL COMMUNICATION READING: Generalizations and StereotypesLETTER TO FRAN: Who Pays?FRAN'S RESPONSE: Who Pays? .GULTURE DIFFERENCE READING:Difference in Rank and PowerUnit 4LANUAGB TOOLS Feelings and Parts of SpeechENCOUNTER: The InvitationINTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION READING: Stress in intercultural EncouniersLETTER TO FRAN: The ShopperFRAN'S RESPONSE: The ShopperCULTURE DIFFERENCE READING: Western Communication StylesUnit 5LANGUAGE TOOL'S Asking Personal QuestionsENCOUNTER: Living TogetherINTERGULTURAL COMMUNICATION READiNG: Projected Cultural SimilarityLETTER TO FRAN: The Goodnight Kiss,FRAN'S RESPONSE: TheGoodnight Kiss.CULTURE DIFFERENCE READING: Conformity in Western CulturesUnit 6LANGUAGE.TOOLS: Challenging .AssumtmptionsENCOUNTER: GrandmaINTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION READING:EthnocentrismLETER TO FRAN: CarsFRAN'S RESPONSE: CarsGUITURE DIFFERENCE RFADING: Family Relationships in the USUnit 7LANGUAGE TOOLS: Acknowledging Other People's Point of ViewENCOUNTER: The English Club……Nuit 8Nuit 9Nuit 10
there are many more right-handed people than left-handed ones, so the left-handed peo-ple are "different." In loose cultures, children who favor their left hand are generallynot encouraged to use their right-hand, and about 14% of the population grows up left-handed. In contrast, in tight cultures children who favor their left hand are encouragedor even forced to use their right hand instead, and the percentage of left-handed peoplein the adult population is much smaller. On the whole, Western individualist cultures tend to be "looser" than collectivistcultures. This tendency toward looseness can be seen in a variety of ways. One reflectionof looseness in Western culture is a widespread reluctance to pass laws that prohibit unu-sual behavior. Even if most members of the society do not like a particular kind of be-havior, they often still feel that others should be allowed to make their own choices rath-er than being forced by law to conform. This is especially true with regard to behaviorthat is considered private, such as religious life. Many Westerners feel that peopleshould be allowed to believe and teach whatever they want to, no matter how bizarre orextreme, as long as they don't actually physically harm other people. Another example issexual behavior, which many people have strong views about, but also tend to view asprivate behavior.Another reflection of looseness can be seen in Western advertising, especially in theUnited States. American ads frequently try to sell products by encouraging customers totry to be different from everyone else, using slogans like "Be yourself!" and "Do yourown thing! " This reflects the fact that Americans, and other Westerners, tend to feel itis a good thing to be different from other people, and perhaps even bad to be a "con-formist" —— someone who conforms to the norms of society:One interesting difference between loose and tight cultures lies in people's ideasabout what constitutes good language use. Tighter cultures tend to value mastery of theirlanguage tradition, whereas loose cultures seem to value creativity and surprise. Thispoint is illustrated by the Chinese view toward use of "set phrases" (cheng yu ). Chinesetend to respect people who have memorized a broad range of "set phrases" and can usethem appropriately (in traditionally acceptable ways) in speaking and writing. In con-trast, Westerners often consider the use of old sayings to be trite~ they have more re-spect for people who can combine words in new and clever ways, or use old expressionsin new ways. ......