
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:王海啸  页数:129  字数:302000  




Unite One Starting College
Part One Pre-Reading Task
Part Two Intensive Reading
Text A Fresh Start
Part Three Furtner Reading
Text B How to Ace College
Part Four Integrated Tasks
Unite Two Love at Home
Part One Pre-Reading Task
Part Two Intensive Reading
Text A My Stepfather,My friend
Part Three Furtner Reading
Text B Love in Bloom
Part Four Integrated Tasks
Unite Three Extraordinary Teachers
Part One Pre-Reading Task
Part Two Intensive Reading
Text A Second King og Mind
Part Three Furtner Reading
Text B What Is Your Own Interpretation
Part Four Integrated Tasks
Unite Body and Mind
Part One Pre-Reading Task
Part Two Intensive Reading
Text A There a Doctor in the Body
Part Three Furtner Reading
Text B Attitude Is Everything
Part Four Integrated Tasks
Unite Five Gates and Pele
Part One Pre-Reading Task
Part Two Intensive Reading
Text A Billionaire Bill
Part Three Furtner Reading
Text B A Day in the life of Pele
Part Four Integrated Tasks
Unite Six Advaertising and Sales Promotion
Part One Pre-Reading Task
Part Two Intensive Reading
Text A Advertising:The Slling of a Product
Part Three Furtner Reading
Text B Ask,Ask,Ask
Part Four Integrated Tasks
Unite Seven Aother Way
Part One Pre-Reading Task
Part Two Intensive Reading
Text A More than One Way to the Squar
Part Three Furtner Reading
Text B Love and the Cobbie
Part Four Integrated Tasks
Unite Eight Information and Communication
Part One Pre-Reading Task
Part Two Intensive Reading
Text A The Information Gop
Part Three Furtner Reading
Text B For Conversation,Pres 1
Part Four Integrated Tasks



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