
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:王敏华 编  页数:189  




Unit 1 Weather
Unit 2 Charity
Unit 3 Mind Your Manners
Unit 4 Cultures
Unit 5 Young People and Violence
Unit 6 Food and Shelter
Unit 7 Academic Life on Campus
Unit 8 Internet
Unit 9 Lost in Translation
Unit 10 Job Satisfaction
Unit 11 Animal Stories
Unit 12 Cele brities
Unit 13 Body Language in U.S.A.
Unit 14 A Success Story
Unit 15 Music and Moods
Unit 16 Fashion and shopping
Key to Exercises
Listening Scripts


  Madhubala was a tame she-elephant who lived in a small Indian village. One day, she was spotted by a wild bull elephant from the nearby jungle. It was love at first sight. Although Madhu-bala was chained to a tree, the wild elephant refused to leave her until finally he was chased away by angry villagers. Later that night, the elephant returned, smashed Madhubala's chains and freed her. They ran away into the jungle. Madhubala's keeper, Mahedi Hussain, followed her and a week later brought her back. But Madhubala refused to eat the food which he gave her and trumpeted sadly for her lover. Eventually the wild elephant returned and smashed through walls and houses to reach Madhubala.  ……



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