
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:章宜华  页数:487  


  《学习词典学与二语教学研究》所收论文从语言学、二语教学、词典学、词典用户、语料库、电子词典等角度探讨学习 词典与二语教学的关系,理论与实践并重,具有较高的参考价值。 辞书发展史表明,学习型词典是应二语教学之需产生的。对学习型词典的研究一直是国内双语词典研究的重点课题。在目前国内“外语热”和国际上“汉语热”的背景下,国内外专家、学者从比较词典学和二语教学的角度研究内向型和外向型汉语学习词典及外汉、外汉学习词典的编纂,并推出了一些新成果。


前言信息化对辞书的重大影响(代序一)语言实态考察研究及相关思考(代序二)第—部分 学习词典与二语教学二语习得理论与新一代学习词典的几点设想第二语言学习者词典信息的需求研究——以少数民族大学生汉语学习者为例Towards an Encoding Dictionary of Mandarin Chinese for SecondLanguage LearnersDictionary Use in Listening: A Survey of Chinese EFL Learners Autonomous Listening ActivitiesHow Supportive a、Good Learners Dictionary Can Be in Language Learning: A Sample Study on Iv~Cmillan English Dictionary for Advanced LeamersConstruction of Semantic Network of Synonyms in LDsThe Reduction of the Key Words in LLA2第二部分 二语学习与学习词典研究What Is This Thing Called Learners Lexicography?English Pedagogical Lexicography and Its Booming in China: An OverviewDevelopments in Learners Dictionaries and Their Relevance to Chinese LexicographyDictionaries and ESP in a Globalized World: General Requirements for Constructing Monolingual Dictionaries for ESP StudentsThe Mixed Methods Design in User-Centred LexicographyEnglish Learners Dictionaries in Australia: a Challenge to Publishers?A Brief Discussion on :the Learner-oriented Revision of A New English-Chinese DictionaryThe Study of Semantic Prosody and English-Chinese Learners Dictionary CompilationA Study of the Exemplification of Verb Entries in E-C Learners Dictionaries:A Syntactic-Semantic PerspectiveChinese Dictionary: Critical Remarks and Suggestions for Improvement第三部分 语言学理论与学习词典研究CSF-Based Discrimination of Near-synonyms in ELD从几个形容词释例探析汉英学习词典词语搭配的文化语差名词形容词化的语用分析及其在外向型汉英词典中的标注英语学习词典中的语用信息处理概述英汉学习词典编纂中的六大问题英语学习词典语音标注体系及其启示第四部分 用户视角与双语词典研究Translating Polysemous Verbs in a Bilingual Learners Dictionary (Chinese-English): A Lexicon-Grammar ApproachFor a Better Access to Chinese Characters and Their MeaningsA New Chinese Learners Dictionary for Native and Non-native Speakers双语词典的译义识解:基于用户心理词库视角的研究从隐喻角度分析英汉词典中的习语翻译Semantic Discrimination of Equivalents in Chinese-English Dictionaries第五部分 电子词典与基于语料库的词典学研究Taking Corpus Lexicography to the Next Level: Explicit Use of Corpus Data in Dictionaries for Language LearnersNew Ways of Indicating Meaning in Electronic Dictionaries: Hope or Hype?Electronic Revolution in Dictionary Consultation: Hand-held Electronic, Online, and CD-Rom Reference Tools in JapanCorpus-based Study on the Semantic Prosody of “Desire”袖珍电子词典的现状与展望主要论文摘要参考文献



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