FACTS ON FILE 美国文学百科辞典(4卷本)

出版时间:2011-1  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:(美)波斯威尔,(美)罗利森 编  页数:全四册  字数:1295000  


本套百科辞典共4卷,按照时间顺序全面、详尽地描绘了美国殖民拓居和新共和时期、19世纪美国文学成长期的浪漫主义和现实主义、20世纪上半叶美国文学高潮期的自然主义和现代主义,以及二战后的当代文学这4个时期的文学发展全貌,反映了每一时期的社会风貌、政治气候和文化环境。值得一提的是,《美国文学百科辞典》(修订版)为Facts on File出版社2008年推出的新版,它在2002年版的基础上,经过学者专家大量的修订、更新和增补,并对美国文学的发展阶段进行了更加合理化的整合后隆重推出,由原来的3卷扩展为现在的4卷,新增了1000多个词条,尤其对近5年的重大新发展进行收录,体现了美国文学的最新发展前沿。    本套百科辞典对于读者了解美国文学、进而了解美国文化史、思想史均有极高的学术参考价值,是一部不可多得的权威工具书。


编者:(美国)波斯威尔(Boswell M.) (美国)罗利森(Rollyson C.) (美国)安德森(Anderson G.P.) 等


Volume Ⅰ Acknowledgments Preface to the Second Edition Introduction Editorial Plan Chronology 1607——1815 Entries A to Z Selected Bibliography Index List of Entries in AU VolumesVolume Ⅱ Acknowledgments Preface to the Second Edition Introduction Editorial Plan Chronology 1816——1895 Entries A to Z Selected Bibliography Contributors Index List of Entries in AU VolumesVolume Ⅲ Preface to the Second Edition Introduction Editorial Plan Chronology 1896——1945 Entries A to Z Selected Bibliography Contributors Index List of Entries in All VolumesVolume Ⅳ Acknowledgments Preface to the Second Edition Introduction Editorial Plan Chronology 1 946-Present Entries A to Z Selected Bibliography Contributors Index Cumulative Index Volumes I—IV List of Entries in All Vollumes


插图:This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about black life in post-CivilWar Ohio is a ghost story, a love story, and a political allegory.Combining historical fact with African folklore and myth, Be-loved juxtaposes scenes of harrowing realism with dream-likesequences of surreal beauty. In 2006 the book was voted thebest American novel of the past twenty-five years by a literarypanel selected by The New York Times Book Review.   Beloved tells the story of an escaped slave, Sethe, whomurders one of her daughters when she learns that her for-mer master has come to take away her children. Best under-stood as a Romance, as described by Nathaniel Hawthorne inhis 1851 preface to The House of the Seven Gables, Beloved ischaracterized by what Hawthorne called the author's "right"to "mingle the Marvelous" with the "probable and ordinarycourse of man's experience:' The "Marvelous" componentin Morrison's novel is the mysterious, ghostly title character,Beloved, a child-like young woman who appears to be the fleshly embodiment of Sethe's deceased daughter. The fig-ure of Beloved becomes a rich symbol not only for Sethe'sguilt but also for the wound that our slaveholding past hasinflicted on the national psyche.






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