出版时间:2010-11 出版社:上海外教 作者:(英)贝克//萨尔达尼亚 页数:674
作者:(英国)莫娜·贝克(Mona Baker) (英国)加布里埃拉·萨尔达尼亚(Gabriela Saldanha) 合著者:方梦之莫娜·贝克,英国曼彻斯特大学理工学院(UMIST)翻译学教授、跨文化与翻译研究中心主任。曾于1992年出版《换言之》(In Other Words)一书,此外还担任全球性刊物《译者》(The Translator)的主编。加布里埃拉·萨尔达尼亚,英国伯明翰大学翻译学讲师,国际翻译与跨文化研究协会的网上其时《翻译研究新声》的创刊编辑和现任编辑之一。
List offigures and tablesList ofconsultant editorsList ofcontributorsIntroduction to thefirst editionIntroduction to the second editionPart1:GeneralAdaptationAdvertisingAsylumAudiovisual translationB1ble,Jewish and ChristianCensorshipChildren's literatureClassical textsComicsCommercial translationCommunity interpretingComputer.aided translation(CAT)Conference interpreting,historical and cognitive perspectivesConference interpreting,sociocultural perspectivesCorporaCourt interpretingCultural translationCultureDeConstruCtionDescriptive VS.committed approachesDi~ogue InterpretingDirectionalityDiscourse analysisDrama translationEquivalenceEthicsExplicitationFictional representationsForeign language teachingFunctionalist approachesGender and sexualityG|obalizationGeorges L.BastinIra TorresiMoira InghilleriLuis P‘rez GonzMezLynell ZogboFrancesca BillianiGillian LatheyLorna HardwickFederico ZanettinMaeve olohanCecilia Wadensj6Minako O'HaganDaniel GileEbru DirikerDorothy KennyMuhammad r GamalKate SturgeDavid KatanKathleen DavisSiobhan BrownlieIan MasonAllison Beeby LonsdaleBasilHatimGunilla AndermanDorothy KennyMoira Inghilleri(and Carol Maier)Kinga KlaudyDirA DelabastitaGuyCookChristina SchiiffnerLuise yon FlotoWMichaeJ Cronin
版权页:Referring to the translation of advertising andpromotional websites, Calzada Perez (2005)argues that 'images need translating as much aswords and cyberspace is nothing if not a hugemeeting point which provides information thatis constantly translated back and forth: Thisstatement summarizes a new trend in the studyof advertising translation, one that attemptsto take into account the range of constraintsimposed upon and opportunities offered to thetranslator of advertising material by virtue ofthe modes of expression involved in each adver-tising text. It has been argued that no text is strictlymonomodal (Baldry 2000). For instance, anovel or textbook without illustrations mayappear to have only a verbal dimension, buttypographical choices (Schopp 2002, 2005) andthe physical qualities of the paper it is primedon give the words a particular rendering orinscription (Kress and Van Leeuwen 1996:230-32) that contributes to the constructionof textual meaning. At the same time, adver-tising texts on the whole display a high levelof multimodality with respect to other genres,because of their simultaneous reliance ondifferent kinds of stimuli. For instance, printadvertisements usually have verbal and visualcomponents, radio commercials rely on verbaland aural (sound/music) effects, and streetadvertising makes use of verbal and/or visualsigns combined with geosemiotic cues such asposition relative to the viewer, proximity withother texts, and spatial context (see Scollon andScollon 2003 on geosemiotics). Thus, the multi-modality of advertising texts does not dependonly on the fact that campaigns for the sameproducts may span various media - in otherwords, that the same campaign may be run inidentical or slightly different forms on television,street posters, radio, etc. Rather, multimodalityis achieved within each advertising text, even inthe case of texts that are traditionally excludedfrom the definition of'multimedia~ such as printadvertisements.
《国外翻译研究丛书之34:翻译研究百科全书(第2版)》自1998年问世以来备受推崇。第二版在对第一版修改和扩充的基础上,对翻译学这一迅速发展的人文学科做了更加透彻和具有权威性的评述。《翻译研究百科全书》(第二版)分为两部分,为便于查阅均按字母表排序。第一部分(通论)涵括了该学科的概念框架和关键问题。词条种类包括:翻译理论的核心问题重要概念笔译口译的研究途径笔译的种类口译的种类第二部分(历史与传统)涵括了世界上主要的语言和文化群体的翻译学历史,很多词条阐释是基于迄今尚未出版的研究成果。这部分新添了一个词条:东南亚传统(Southeast Asiantraditions)。凭借来自30多个国家90余位撰稿人以及具有国际背景的顾问编辑的精湛学识,《翻译研究百科全书》(第二版)涵盖了翻译研究这门学科的方方面面,并为未来的研究指明了方向。对于从事口笔译、文学和社会理论研究的师生们,其参考价值不可估量。