
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:李月菊 编  页数:249  


本书是国内首套按照《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学要求》(试行)编写的商务英语专业教材。教材以现代外语教育理念和教材设计理论为指导,结合商务英语语言和教学的特点,融合多年商务英语教学实践,由国内知名外语教学专家和长期从事商务英语教学的教授共同参与,联袂打造。  ◆体现《教学要求》的培养目标,强调打好扎实的语言基本功,兼顾商务专业素质与人文素养的同步提升。编排和选材注重学生正确世界观和道德观的形成,注重思维能力、创新能力和跨文化交际能力的培养。  ◆语言、文化与商务有机融合,注重商务英语技能和商务专业课程的合理衔接。学习任务设计丰富多样,有助于训练学生交际能力、自主学习能力和合作学习能力。  ◆单元紧扣社会热点话题,难度合理递增,选文思想内涵深刻,可读性强,充分反映经济全球化时代的特点。  ◆为教学提供多媒体资源,丰富的视频材料可增加语言学习的趣味性和输入的有效性,调动学生课堂参与的积极性;主干教程配套电子教案,方便实用,充分满足个性化教学需要。


Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Practice Section 1 Forms of International Business Section 2 Managing, Risks of International Business Transactions Section 3 Participants and Procedures of Import-Export Transactions Chapter SummaryChapter 2 Negotiating Business Contracts Section 1 Preparation for Negotiations Section 2 Structure and Sequence of Negotiations Section 3 Structure and Contents of Sales Contracts Chapter SummaryChapter 3 Formation of International Sales Contracts (CISG) Section 1 Structure and Contents of the CISG Section 2 Application of the CISG Section 3 Formation of International Sales Contracts Section 4 Formality Section 5 Electronic Commerce Chapter SummaryChapter 4 Trade Terms Section 1 Trade Terms and the Sales Contract Section 2 Incoterms 2000 Summary Section 3 Export Costing and Quoting Chapter SummaryChapter 5 Quality, Quantity and Packing of Commodity Section 1 Name of Commodity Section 2 Quality of Commodity Section 3 Quantity of Commodity Section 4 Packing of Commodity Chapter SummaryChapter 6 International Payment Section 1 Payment Options Section 2 Bills of Exchange Section 3 Documentary Collections Section 4 Letters of Credit Chapter SummaryChapter 7 International Cargo Transportation Section 1 Modes of Transport Section 2 Freight Rates Section 3 Shopping Documents Section 4 Terms of Shipment Chapter SummaryChapter 8 Cargo Insurance Section 1 Marine Insurance Section 2 China Insurance Clauses Section 3 Institute Caroo Clauses Section 4 Insurance Clauses In a Contract of Sale Chapter SummaryChapter 9 Going through Customs Section 1 Introduction to Trade Documents Section 2 Declaring to the Customs Section 3 Customs Duly and Payment Section 4 Customs Valuation of Imports and Exports Section 5 Classification of Goods Section 6 EU Customs Declaration Chapter SummaryChapter 10 Documentation Section 1 Introduction to Trade Documents Section 2 Transaction Documents Section 3 Transport Documents Section 4 Export Documents Section 5 Import Documents Section 6 Banldn Documents Section 7 Special Documents Section 8 Electronic Documents Chapter SummaryChapter 11 International Commercial Dispute Resolution Section 1 Disputes and Claims Section 2 Alternative Dispute Resolution Section 3 Litigation Section 4 WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures Chapter SummaryChapter 12 Intellectual Property Rights Section 1 Intellectual Property Rights Section 2 The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Chapter SummaryAppendices 1. Bibliography 2. Table of Cases 3. Table of Documents



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