
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:蒋静仪.  页数:206  




Unit 1 Parents and Children
 Section One Pre-reading
 Section Two In-reading
 Reading One: Family Day, 2002
 Reading Two: Almie Rose
 Reading Three: A Legacy of Love
 Reading Four: ChildAbuse
 Section Three Post-reading
Unit 2 Psychology in Daily Life
 Section One Pre-reading
 Section Two In-reading
 Reading One: How to Achieve Good Mental Health
 Reading Two: Blaming Yourseff Is Not the Answer
 Reading Three: The Psychology of Money
 Reading Four: Attitude Is Everything
 Section Three Post-reading
Unit 3 University Life
 Section One Pre-reading
 Section Two In-reading
 Reading One: How to Get an "A" on Your Final Exam
 Reading Two: Leaming to Keep Yourself Cool during Tests
 Reading Three: Students Who Push Burgers
 Reading Four: Leaming How to Be Roommates
 Section Three Post-reading
Unit 4 Jobs and Careers
 Section One Pre-reading
 Section Two In-reading
 Reading One: Enjoy Your Job
 Reading Two: A Hug from a Teenage Boy.
 Reading Three: Just the Job
 Reading Four: When Dreams Won't Die
 Section Three Post-reading
Unit 5 Care of the Elderly
 Section One Pre-reading
 Section Two In-reading
 Reading One: Care of the Elderly: A Family Matter
 Reading Two: A Doll for Great-Grandmother
 Reading Three: The Ice Cream Girl
 Reading Four: Lullaby for My Mother
 Section Three Post-reading
Unit 6 Changes and Challenges in Life
 Section One Pre-reading
 Section Two In-reading
 Reading One: Buttoning Up Profits
 Reading Two: I Can't Accept Not Trying
 Reading Three: Fear of Failure
 Reading Four: A Little Courage Goes a Long Way
 Section Three Post-reading
Unit 7 Stress in Our Life
 Section One Pre-reading
 Section Two In-reading
 Reading One: Can Stress Make You Sick?
 Reading Two: Stress at Work
 Reading Three: Stress It Affects Children, Too
 Reading Four: It's under Control — How to Handle
 Section Three Post-reading
Unit 8 Heroes of Our Time
 Section One Pre-reading
 Section Two In-reading
 Reading One. Why the Hormone Study Finally Happened
 Reading Two. The Spirit Moves Her
 Reading Three: Father to 500
 Reading Four: The Diarist
 Section Three Post-reading



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