
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:蒋静仪 编  页数:153  




Suggested Teaching Principles and Procedure
For Student's Book Three
 Unit 1 Family and Marriage
 Unit 2 School and Education
 Unit 3 Internet and Lifestyle
 Unit 4 Common Sense or Legal Intervention (Smoking)
 Unit 5 Computers and Technology
 Unit 6 Man and Environment
 Unit 7 TV and Its Influence
 Unit 8 Love and Be Loved (Genuine Love)
For Student's Book Four
 Unit 1 Animals and Their Rights
 Unit 2 Crime and Punishment
 Unit 3 Gun Ownership and Censorship
 Unit 4 Life or Death (Euthanasia)
 Unit 5 Motivation or Unhealthy Experience
 Unit 6 Me and Another Me (Human Cloning)
 Unit 7 Savior or Destroyer (Nuclear Technology)
 Unit 8 Food or Poison (GM Products)


  The movie Basic Instinct has been the sex thriller since it was with the public in 1992. ToPaul Verhoeven, director of this movie, Basic Instinct is an undeniably stylish andprovocative study of obsession. In the role that made her a star (and showed the audiencea little more skin than she intended), Sharon Stone plays the cleverly manipulative novelistCatherine Tramell who snares San Francisco detective Nick Curran (Michael Douglas)with her insatiable sexual appetite during the investigation of her boyfriends murder.Tramell is the prime suspect, but the plot twists and turns until Curran is trapped in adangerous cycle of dead ends and unsolved murders. The movie, however, did not revealif TrameU is committing the crimes or if it is some other unknown suspect.Tobacco Advertising Prohibition ActThe Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 of Australia came into effect on 1 July1993. Under the act, the broadcasting and publishing of tobacco advertisements in Australiais banned, apart from a few limited exceptions. The objective of the act is to imProvepublic health by limiting the exposure of the public to messages and images that maypersuade them to start or continue smoking.



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  •   感觉老师上课讲的不咋地啊~所以买来看看~应该是不错的~
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