出版时间:2010-6 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:(英) 巴斯内特 页数:176
本书总结了苏珊·巴斯内特翻译研究的主要思想。作者通过对翻译中意义的分析、不可译性、等值论等中心问题的剖析,追溯了翻译理论发展的历史,阐述了诗歌、小说及戏剧翻译的具体问题。界定了翻译研究作为一门独立学科的基本研究范畴。 该书初版于1980年,之后分别于1 991年和2000年再版,广为流传,成为英语国家翻译教学的入门教材。
苏珊·巴斯内特,英国沃里克大学(University of Warwick)资深教授,曾任该校副校长,原翻译与比较文化研究中心主任。著作包括《翻译研究》(Translation Studies)、《比较文学批评导论》(Comparative Literature:A Critical Introduction)以及与安德烈·勒菲弗尔合作的《文化构建:文学翻译论集》(Constructing Cultures:Essays on Literary Translation)等20余部。
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSPreface to the third editionIntroduction1 Central issues Language and culture Types of translation Decoding and recoding Problems of equivalence Loss and gain Untranslatability Science or secondary activity?2 History of translation theory Problems of period study The Romans Bible translation Education and the vernacular Early theorists The Renaissance The seventeenth century The eighteenth century Romanticism Post-Romanticism The Victorians Archaizing The twentieth century3 Specific problems of literary translation Structures Poetry and translation Translating prose Translating dramatic texts ConclusionNOTESSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIX: THE ORIGINAL TEXT OF THE SEAFARERINDEX
Evidence of the interest in translation is everywhere. A great many books on translation have appeared steadily throughout the past two decades, new journals of translation studies have been established, international professional bodies such as the European Society for Translation have come into being and at least half a dozen translation encyclopaedias have appeared in print, with more to follow. New courses on translation in universities from Hong Kong to Brazil, and from Montreal to Vienna offer further evidence of extensive inter- national interest in translation studies. It shows no sign of slowing down in the twenty-first century. With so much energy directed at further investigation of the phenomenon of translation, it is obvious that any such development will not be homogeneous and that different trends and tendencies are bound to develop. We should not be surprised, therefore, that con- sensus in translation studies disappeared in the 1990s. However, that has been followed by lively diversification that continues today around the world. During the 1980s, Ernst-August Gutt's relevance theory, the skols theory of Katharina Reiss and Hans Vermeer, and Gideon Toury's research into pseudotranslation all offered new methods for approach- ing translation, while in the 1990s the enormous interest generated by corpus-based translation enquiry as articulated by Mona Baker opened distinct lines of enquiry that continue to flourish. Indeed, after a period in which research in computer translation seemed to have foundered, the importance of the relationship between translation and the new technology has risen to prominence and shows every sign of becoming even more important in the future. Nevertheless, despite the diversity of methods and approaches, one common feature of much of the research in Translation Studies is an emphasis on cultural aspects of translation, on the contexts within which translation occurs. Once seen as a sub-branch of linguistics. ……
《翻译研究》为翻译学这一引人入胜而又纷繁复杂的学科提供了一个信息丰富的入门指导。” ——The Observer“ “……为翻译学这一学科作了一个极好的介绍。该书的附注与精选的参考书目将会让有兴趣在该领域做进一步研究的翻译学爱好者受益匪浅。” ——English Studies