
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:舒白梅 编  页数:298  字数:455000  


本书从教学实践出发,将学生用书中关于语言知识的四章(第4—7章)与语言技能的四章(第8—1l章)整合成两章,分别以“发展语言知识”与“发展语言技能”为章标题。将关于测试与评价的第14章扩充为两章,即“测评语言知识”和“测评语言技能”,以对应前面的调整。另外,将“课堂观察”与“备课与教案写作”从原书第18章中抽出,作为单独的两章,以满足课堂实践教学的需要。     每章内容有六节,开头是本章的说明,属“教学指南”。由于章节顺序与内容有调整,此节说明本章与学生用书所对应的章节,以及扩展或增补的内容和原因。接下来是“学习目标、教学内容的理解、教学内容的实施、‘问题和任务’的参考答案、术语解释、补充书目”六节。


CHAPTER 1  INTRODUCTION Aims of This Course  1 1.1  Learning Objectives  1 1.2  Interpreting Chapter Content 1.3  Implementation  3 1.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"  6 1.5  Technical Terms  7 1.6  Further Reading  8CHAPTER 2  ASPECTS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING Teaching Guide  9 2.1  Learning Objectives  9 2.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  9 2.3  Implementation  13 2.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"  16 2.5  Technical Terms  18 2.6  Further Reading  18CHAPTER3  ASPECTS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING  20 Teaching Guide  20 3.1  Learning Objectives  20 3.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  21 3.3  Implementation  28 3.4  Suggested Answers to "'Questions and Tasks"  34 3.5  Technical Terms  36 3.6  Further Reading  37CHAPTER 4  THE DEVELOPMENT OF LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE  38 Teaching Guide  38 4.1  Learning Objectives  38 4.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  39 4.3  Implementation  39 4.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"  53 4.5  Technical Terms  67 4.6  Further Reading  67CHAPTER 5  THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE  69 Teaching Guide  69 5.1  Learning Objectives  69 5.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  70 5.3  Implementation  70 5.4  Suggested Answers to "'Questions end Tasks"  88 5.5  Technical Terms  98 5.6  Further Reading  99CHAPTER 6  ASSESSING AND EVALUATING LINGUISTIC OUTCOME  100 Teaching Guide  100 6.1  Learning Objectives  100 6.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  100 6.3  Implementation  104 6.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"   127 6.5  Technical Terms  128 6.6  Further Reading  128CHAPTER 7  ASSESSING AND EVALUATING COMMUNICATIVE OUTCOME  129 Teaching Guide  129 7.1  Learning Objectives  129 7.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  129 7.3  Implementation  132 7.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"   147 7.5  Technical Terms  148 7.6  Further Reading  149CHAPTER 8  ERROR ANALYSIS AND REMEDIAL WORK  150 Teaching Guide  150 8.1  Learning Objectives  150 8.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  151 8.3  Implementation  155 8.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"   160 8.5  Technical Terms  161 8.6  Further Reading  162CHAPTER9  CLASSROOM OBSERVATION  163 Teaching Guide  163 9.1  Learning Objectives  163 9.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  164 9.3  Implementation  171 9.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"   179 9.5  Technica Terms  179 9.6  Further Reading  179CHAPTER 10  LESSON PLANNING  180 Teaching Guide  180 10.1  Learning Objectives  180 10.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  181 10.3  Implementation  189 10.4  Suggested Answers to" Questions and Tasks"  195 10.5  Technical Terms  199 10.6  Furlher Reading  199CHAPTER 11  TECHNOLOGY AND RESOURCES FOR ELT  200 Teaching Guide  200 11.1  Learning Objectives  200 11.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  201 11.3  Implementation  209 11.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"  213 11.5  Technical Terms  215 11.6  Further Reading  216CHAPTER  12  CLASSROOM  COMMUNICATION AND MANAGEMENT   217 Teaching Guide  217 12.1  Learning Objectives  217 12.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  218 12.3  Implementation  226 12.4  Suggested Answers to"Questions and Tasks"  235 12.5  Technical Terms  239 12.6  Further Reading  239CHAPTER 13  A  SURVEY OF FLT APPROACHES   241 Teaching Guide  241 13.1  Learning Objectives  241 13.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  245 13.3  Implementetion  251 13.4  Suggested Answers to " Questions and Tasks"  256 13.5  Technical Terms  258 13.6  Further Reading  259CHAPTER 14  FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN CHINA  260 Teaching Guide  260 14.1  Learning Objectives  260 14.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  260 14.3  Implementation  266 14.4  Suggested Answers to "Questions and Tasks"  277 14.5  TechnicaI Terms  279 14.6  Further Reading 280CHAPTER 15  TEACHERS' PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  281 Teaching Guide  281 15.1  Learning Objectives  281 15.2  Interpreting Chapter Content  282 15.3  Implementation ,294 15.4  Suggested Answers to " Questions and Tasks"  296 15.5  Technical Terms  298 15.6  Further Reading  298



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