
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:上海外教  作者:邹申 编  页数:210  




Module One Paragraph Writing
Module Two Composition Writing
Module Three Practical Writing


  When I was in my last year at school, I decided I wanted to go to the University of Cambridge so that I could study English. This meant I had to go to Cambridge for an examination and an interview. I was warned that the examination lasted for three days and would be very difficult, so I gave up the other things I was doing to spend all my time preparing for it.   I went to Cambridge the evening before the examination. In the train I traveled on, there were quite a lot of young people. I thought some of them might be going to the examination, but I did not speak to them because I felt shy. When we reached Cam- bridge, I went to the college where the examination was to take place and a porter showed me to my room. I felt I was quite grown up as I sat there in my room, but I also remembered that I had not passed my examination yet that I had not even taken it.  At dinner that evening, I rec  gnized some of the students i had seen on the train and we chatted about what we did at school. We were all anxious that we should appear clever and we pretended that we were not worried about the examination. That evening, as I went to bed, I felt sure the other candidates were cleverer than me and that I would not pass this examination.  The next morning, I did not eat any breakfast because I felt very nervous. I went straight to the examination room so that I would not be late. After the first two papers, I doubted that I would pass the examination. On the second day, I had an interview with one of the university lecturers. I was very anxious that the lecturer might ask me questions which I could not answer. But, as soon as I went into the room, I realized that he was very friendly. He asked me the names of some poets I was interested in. I mentioned some I liked. He admitted that he did not know much about these poets and suggested I tell him about them. It was obvious that he wanted me to feel relaxed.   ……




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用户评论 (总计12条)


  •   我们英语专业的教材 应该还好吧
  •   老师让买的,送货速度超级快,满意!
  •   好好好好好好好好好好书
  •   不错哟 当当 什么时候可以更加优惠啊
  •   到货速度还好,质量很不错。
  •   很好 很好 。
  •   不错的一本书,认真看,有收获
  •   不错啊,送货挺快的,网购比我们一起订便宜好多。。。
  •   应该不错,就是送货太慢
  •   刚开始做不久 不知道写作会不会提高那么哪怕一点点呢
  •   按老师的吩咐买的,还行,纸张和印刷质量一般,不是特别好,不过折扣也算不错
  •   这新版字体太小,行距较近,想做笔记都没处写,而且看久了眼睛累,反而不如老版的好。

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