
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:冯善萍 编  页数:253  字数:419000  




FOR UNIT OWE——UNIT FOUR  Test One (A)  Test One (B)  Test Two (A)  Test Two (B)  Test Three (A)  Test Three (B)  Test Four (A)  Test Four (B)FOR UNIT FIVE——UNIT EIGHT  Test Five (A)  Test Five (B)  Test Six (A)  Test Six (B)  Test Seven (A)  Test Seven (B)  Test Eight (A)  Test Eight (B) FOR UNIT ONE-UNIT EIGHT  Test Nine (A)  Test Nine (B)  Test Ten (A)  Test Ten (B) KEY TO TEST ONE-TEST TEN TAPESCRIPT OF LISTENING COMPREHENSION


  Scientists have long predicted that computers would one day help speed up the time-consuming task of translating texts——and now that time has come.Systems designed in the UnitedStates,lapan,Europe and South America call accomplish the task by following one of the two basicapproaches.The“direct”method uses rules of syntax and grammar to translate one language in to an other.while the“interlingua”(通用语)approach employs an internal intermediate language as a bridge between the“source”and“target”languages.  The direct approach is the most common,though not always the simplest,method of computer translate on.Itrequires a separate program-including a dictionary of thousands of words and phrases.as well as rules of syntax,grammar and connecUon-for each Pair of language involved in a given language.  The interlingua method is most effective for texts that require trans laons into severallanguages.It is not used as widely as the direct approach but playing a more and more important roie at international conferences and in business negotiations.



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