
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:(德)汤姆森 编,郑峻 编译  页数:48  


《新理念中职职业英语系列教材》由上海外语教育出版社整合国际先进中职职业英语教学资源编译出版而成,为我国中职职业英语教学的发展提供了国际领先的教学材料。系列教材首批推出3个分册:《汽车英语》、《宾馆英语》和《建工英语》,每个分册都由学生用书、教师用书和配套录音组成。     《建工英语》传授建筑施工领域的专业英语知识,共20个单元,有以下几个主要特点:使用灵活:本册既可单独使用,也可与各类基础英语教材结合使用;外观优美:装帧设计极具现代气息,照片和插图内容丰富、色彩绚丽;    构架清晰:每单元均设计为一个双页,方便学生学习    实践性强:练习题目均取材于真实的职场生活,既能培养学生的实践能力,又能提高学习兴趣。    训练全面:完全覆盖听、说、读、写4项基本语言技能    编排巧妙:词汇表经过精心编纂,降低了专业词汇的学习难度。    国际标准:学完《建工英语》,可达到欧洲CEF标准的A2水平等级。


ContentsUnit 1 People on the building siteUnit 2 The building site planUnit 3 Health and safety on the building siteUnit 4 Builders' toolsUnit 5 Parts of buildings and dimensionsUnit 6 Construction drawingUnit 7 Preparing a building siteUnit 8 ExcavationsUnit 9 Site drainageUnit 10 Preparing the foundationsUnit 11 WallsUnit 12 BricklayingUnit 13 Mortar Unit 14 ConcreteUnit 15 Reinforced concreteUnit 16 Working with timberUnit 17 Rendering a wallUnit 18 Coverings for floors and wallsUnit 19 RoofingUnit 20 PavingReferenceTechnical wordlistConversion tables


  There are several different kinds of wall in any building. All of them have different functions within the building. The function of a wall affects the way that it is built and the material that it is made of. There are basically two types of wall in any building. Firstly there are walls which are designed to support the weight of roof, floors and other walls. Secondly there are walls which are designed to separate the building into rooms and which only have to support their own weight. If a wall is on the outside of a building it will have to be insulated so that cold or heat cannot enter the building through the wall. It may also have to be insulated against noise  so that external sounds cannot be heard in the building.





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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   是国外引进的教材,很生动活泼,但是词汇有一定难度
  •   我觉得和本书还是不错的,首先树的质量是铜版纸,附有彩图,让我想起学《走遍德国》那种德国书籍的手感,时候对于在施工单位的人来说这本书还是很有必要的看下的,对施工工艺,技法,施工用语写的详细,对那些涉外工程施工方面这个是基本的用语,毕竟出国了,就要按照国外的方式施工,用的工人也是当地的工人,唯一不好的是音频现在网上还没有下载的,在上外音频下载的网站说这本书还没有上架,看来还需要等一段时间才能有音频~~

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