出版时间:2010-1 出版社:上海外教 作者:梅德明 页数:568
上海市外语口译岗位资格证书考试是20世纪90年代中启动的“上海紧缺人才培训工程”的一个重要项目。作为这个项目组成部分的“上海市英语中级口译资格证书”考试,自1997年3月开考至今已举办22期,参考人数从第一期的411人到第22期已增加到31000多人,增长了70多倍。历年参加这项考试的总人数超过25万,其中近两万人通过考试并获得了“上海市英语中级口译资格证书”。考点的设置除上海外已扩大至江苏(南京、苏州、无锡)、浙江(杭州、宁波)、湖北(武汉)、江西(南昌)、山东(青岛、烟台)、广东(深圳)等地。 上海市外语口译岗位资格证书考试作为考核和遴选紧缺翻译人才的项目经受了时间的考验,引起社会广泛的关注,并获得了领导、专家、学者的充分肯定。 2004年,原上海市教育委员会主任郑令德教授对上海市高校浦东继续教育中心(以下简称“中心”)组织和实施的上海市外语口译岗位资格证书培训和考试项目作了这样的评价: “十多年来,‘中心’走的是一条不断努力超越自我、探索创新之路,走的是着力塑造品牌特色、依靠质量取胜之路,走的是依法依规管理、可持续发展之路。在当前培训市场竞争激烈,国外各种证书纷纷‘抢滩’我国继续教育市场的情况下,上海市外语口译岗位资格证书培训和考试项目能得到人才市场的认可、广大学员的青睐、用人单位的欢迎,实属不易,值得庆贺。”
本书根据口译工作的职业特点和范围取材编写,体现了口译工作的基本要求和时代特征。本书按主题分单元编写,除了对口译的简史、性质、特点、标准、过程、类型和译员的素质作简要阐述之外,本教程的主体部分含“外事接待”、“礼仪祝辞”、“商务谈判”、“旅游观光”、“大会发言”、“宣传介绍”、“参观访问”、“人物访谈”、“文化交流”、“科学报告”、“饮食文化”、“中国改革”、“信息时代”、“外交政策”和“国际关系”等15部分,题材均为与当代口译工作密切相关的热门话题。 本书属“上海市英语高级口译资格证书”应试培训推荐敦材之一,教程以通过大学英语六级考试、拟参加“上海市英语高级口泽资格证书考试”的学生为主要对象,同时也适用于高校英语专业研究生或本科高年级学生的口译教学。本教程可用作热爱口译工作人士的自学教材,也可用作口译工作者的参考手册。
第一部分 Part One 口译概论第二部分 Part Two 第一单元 外事接待 第二单元 礼仪祝辞 第三单元 商务谈判 第四单元 旅游观光 第五单元 大会发言 第六单元 宣传介绍 第七单元 参观访问 第八单元 人物访谈 第九单元 文化交流 第十单元 科学报告 第十一单元 饮食文化 第十二单元 中国改革 第十三单元 信息时代 第十四单元 外交政策 第十五单元 国际关系第三部分 Part Three 口译技能要点第四部分 Part Four 英语高级口译考试概要 英语高级口译模拟考试参考译文后记
Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associated with the balance of qi —— an energy force that flows through the body. Qi can be hindered or helped by yin and yang-opposing forces that, when balanced, work harmoniously together. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance-and this is done by inserting needles at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body. In China, acupuncture is used to alleviate postoperative pain. Medical experts believe that inserting needles into the body at precise points can stimulate nerves that cause the brain to release its natural pain-killing chemicals. There is sufficient evidence in the literature that shows a positive effect between the technique of acupuncture itself-stimulating these acupuncture points in the skin-and the release of substances in the brain which we know to be associated with the relief of pain. The U.S. National Institute of Health has endorsed acupuncture for treating certain types of nausea, vomiting and pain, such as the nausea sort of sickness that a patient suffers when given an anesthetic for surgery, or treated with chemotherapy, or the vomiting or nausea that accompanies pregnancy, or post-operative dental pain. We have come to the very clear-cut sort of decision that treatment under these circumstances really works. Our principal concern in evaluating acupunctures effectiveness has been the so-called Placebo effect —— the possibility that beneficial outcomes derive not from the treatment itself, but from the patients belief that it works. We got around the problem by measuring brain chemistry during acupuncture. Drugs were administered to block the brains natural opiates while the patient was undergoing needle stimulation. As a result of the opiate blockage, the acupuncture had no effect in stopping pain —— proving that theres physiological mechanism to acupuncture that goes beyond mere belief. Acupuncture is widely employed in easing cravings and withdrawal pains of heroin addicts. 40% of the drug courts in the United States use acupuncture as part of their therapy. In the Miami system alone there are close to four hundred treatments per day. In some countries, such as Sweden, the doctors have achieved success with acupuncture in treating the effects of stroke. Those stroke patients getting acupuncture along with physical therapy did a lot better than those getting physical therapy alone. Those differences are significant for walking and balance activities of daily living and quality of life at various times-three months, six months and twelve months. And I think, most importantly perhaps, there was a savings of 26 thousand dollars per acupuncture patient because they had reduced stays in rehabilitation facilities. Studies show that one of the key benefits of acupuncture that seems to be emerging from various studies is that it has few, if any, side effects;and that when used with standard drug treatment-in anesthesia, for example-it allows physicians to cut back on medication, delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects. 第一篇 Passage 1 Ladies and gentlemen, Its my great pleasure to give you a brief introduction to Chinas traditional medicine, known as "traditional Chinese medicine" (TCM). Traditional Chinese medicine originated with Shennong, the celebrated herbal medicine master of ancient China who lived about 6,000 years ago, a time which is believed to be the embryo stage in the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Huang Di s Classic of Internal Medicine, the theoretical work on TCM that emerged in the Warring States Period (475 - 221 B. C. ), marks the establishment of Chinese medicines unique theoretical system. To date, this classic work is still considered as the theoretical basis guiding traditional Chinese medicine. Shennongs Herbal Classic, the famous TCM work that sums up medical experiences prior to the Qin (221 - 207 B. C. ) Dynasty, records 365 varieties of medicinal herbs and classifies them into three categories in accordance with their respective primary treatments, functions and toxic character. This is the earliest pharmacopoeia ever found in China. During its long process of evolution, the TCM science has gradually developed, yielding a complete set of medical principles and concepts.
英语中级口译资格证书考试指定用书:最早、最权威、便用最广泛; 著名高校专门从事口译教学的专家学者联袂编写:包含口译、翻译、听力、口语、阅读五门课程; 为越来越多的高校和学生所青睐的中级英语课程教材:第一、二版发行以来重印十数次,印数几十万册; 第三版教程大幅修订,精益求精:以修改后的考试大纲为依据,大量更新内容,进一步拓展选材范围,注重时效性,充实近年来国内外热点问题材料; 帮助学生从容应对英语中级口译资格征书考试,培养更多高素质、高层次的英语口译工作者!
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