
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:上海外教  作者:郭杰克  页数:100  字数:183000  




Unit 1
 Text A-1 Why I Love the City
 Text A-2 People on the Move
 Text B-1 Caution: Bumpy Road Ahead
 Text B-2 Memory Lane Isn't What It Used to Be
Unit 2
 Text A-1 Frederick Douglass
 Text A-2 Best of Friends, Worlds Apart
 Text B-1 Coming to an Awareness of Language
 Text B-2 She Wanted to Teach
Unit 3
 Text A-1 Brave New World of Biometrics
 Text A-2 Fingerprints Instead of Credit Cards
 Text B-1 Black Box Tells Its Secrets
 Text B-2 The Deli
Unit 4
 Text A-1 Everything Equals E=mc2
 Text A-2 Black Holes
 Text B-1 The Cosmos
 Text B-2 Stars
Unit 5
 Text A-1 The Cost-Benefit Principle
 Text A-2 The Economics of Product Design
 Text B-1 Lawyers and Professors and Cars and Clothing
 Text B-2 Why Do "Almost New" Used Cars Sell for So Much Less
Than Brand-new Ones?
Unit 6
 Text A-1 The First Read
 Text A-2 The Gift
 Text B-1 Peanuts Creator Schulz Dies on Eve of Last
 Text B-2 Linda's New Friend
Unit 7
 Text A-1 Starting Your Own Business
 Text A-2 A Team Leader
 Text B-1 Working for Fun and Profit
 Text B-2 The Carpet Fitter
Unit 8
 Text A-1 A Tree Project Helps the Genes of Champions Live
 Text A-2 Cloning
 Text B-1 Engineers Ask Nature for Design Advice
 Text B-2 Flowers in the Desert?
 Key to Comprehension Exercises



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