
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:薛林 主编  页数:154  


《美术英语阅读教程》是根据新世纪我国大学英语教学的新要求,为美术与设计专业的学生度身编写的教材,旨在帮助学生扫清阅读专业英语书刊时遇到的语言障碍,并培养学生的英语交际能力。本教材由全国九所美术学院熟悉美术知识的资深英语教师通力合作编写而成,主要特点如下:    阅读材料大部分选自国外当代专业英书刊,语言地道,图文并茂,背景知识翔实,兼具实用性,知识性和趣味性;    注重通过词汇操练与句型解析培养学生的阅读技巧,以及快速检索和获取信息的能力;教程分上、下两册,每册八个单元,每个单元包括四个部分:阅读技巧指导与训练、阅读实践、实用阅读和专业术语拓展,教师可以根据实际情况灵活安排教学。


Unit One  Part 1  Meanings of Art  Part 2  The "Water Lilies" Invade the Orangerie  Part 3  Additional Reading—Exhibition Ads  Part 4  More Terms in Oil PaintingUnit Two  Part 1  Abstract Art  Part 2  Ming Dynasty Painting  Part 3  Additional Reading—Art Exhibition  Part 4  More Terms in Chinese PaintingUnit Three  Part 1  Chinese Buddhist Art  Part 2  Giacometti: Man Pointing  Part 3  Additional Reading—Art Supplies  Part 4  More Terms in SculptureUnit Four  Part 1  Fantasy Art  Part 2  Art on the Intemet  Part 3  Additional Reading—School Introduction  Part 4  More Computer TermsUnit Five  Part 1  Chinese Art  Part 2  Artificial Intelligence  Part 3  Additional Reading—An Application Form  Part 4  More Terms in PhotographyUnit Six  Part 1  F:douard Manet  Part 2  New Wave Neo-conservative  Part 3  Additional Reading—Abstracts  Part 4  More Terms in Graphic DesignUnit Seven  Part 1  Archaeology of Time—A Conversation with Claudia Aranovich  Part 2  Choosing a Style  Part 3  Additional Reading—Resume/CV  Part 4  More Terms in Interior DesignUnit Eight  Part 1  The Life of Vincent van Gogh  Part 2  Industrial Design  Part 3  Additional Reading—Artists Wanted  Part 4  More Terms in Design



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