出版时间:2010-1 出版社:上海外教 作者:施富乐 页数:52
《汽车英语:学生用书》教授有关现代汽车领域的英语知识,共分22个单元。其主要特点有:实践性强:练习从职场生活中撷取,既能培养实践能力,又能提高学习兴趣;外观优美:装帧设计具有现代气息,照片和插图丰富多彩;架构清晰:每个单元均为一个双页,方便学生学习。 训练全面:完全覆盖听、说、读、写4项基本语言技能。 编排巧妙:词汇表经过精心编纂,降低了专业词汇的学习难度。 国际标准:学完《汽车英语》,可达到欧洲CEF标准的A2水平等级。
ContentsUnit 1 TrainingUnit 2 The parts of a workshopUnit 3 Equipment in aworkshopUnit 4 Safety at workUnit 5 Tools and their useUnit 6 The fuel systemUnit 7 Engines (Part 1)Unit 8 Engines (Part 2)Unit 9 The ignitionUnit 10 The electrical systemUnit 11 Inside the carUnit 12 Transmission and gearboxUnit 13 Wheels and tyresUnit 14 The car bodyUnit 15 ThebrakesUnit 16 The suspension and steeringUnit 17 Cooling and heatingUnit 18 Engines and fuels- old and newUnit 19 Vehicle typesUnit 20 Service and repairUnit 21 Protecting the environmentUnit 22 Motorbikes and weldingReferenceTechnical wordlistTraffic sign quizConversion tables