
出版时间:2012-07-01  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:胡安琳,张小曼 编  页数:165  




Unit 1 EconomyPassage 1 TaxesinAmericaPassage 2 Chinese Tourism MarketPassage 3 AutolndustryPassage 4 China's Economy on Fast and Sound TrackUnit 2 Marriage and FamilyPassage 1 More than a Love LetterPassage 2 My Daughter-in-Law, My Best FriendPassage 3 A Childhood Lived between Two WorldsPassage 4 Parents Embarrass Their KidsUnit 3 LawPassage 1 The Nature and Definition of Insurance and Insurance LawPassage 2 Law: Defmition, Classification, and Source of the American Legal SystemPassage 3 Legal Rights and Human RightsPassage 4 TheU.S.CongressUnit 4 ProfilePassage 1 Jackie Chan's Life StoryPassage 2 Lawrence W.LevinePassage 3 Michael jordan and His SonPassage 4 William ShakespeareUnit 5 ArchitecturePassage 1 Global TruthsPassage 2 AHigher EducationPassage 3 Positive EnergyPassage 4 A Pleasure Palace Rises AgainUnit 6 MediaPassage 1 College Media Literacy CoursesPassage 2 A Brief History of NewspapersPassage 3 Staying Informed without Drowning in DataPassage 4 Marilynn K. YeeUnit 7 Hot IssuesPassage 1 The Other Malawi, an Africa in MicrocosmPassage 2 Babylon Ruins Reopen in Iraq, to ControversyPassage 3 Flu? What Flu?Passage 4 AreYou a Machine ofMany Parts?Unit 8 National Geography 'Passage 1 Canada: My Adventure Cruise to Baffin IslandPassage 2 The Finest Brazilian White Sand IslandPassage 3 Energy from the EarthPassage 4 Introduction to AustraliaUnit 9 Social LifePassage 1 The Global Financial Crisis ofPassage 2 A Hurricane Exposes America's Real Social ProblemsPassage 3 Domestic Violence Is a Serious, Widespread Social Problem in AmericaPassage 4 Are NBA Stars Out ofBounds offthe Court?Unit 10 Environmental lssuesPassage 1 An Ecological City ModelPassage 2 Environmental IssuesPassage 3 China Issues White Paper on Environmental ProtectionPassage 4 MemorandumUnit 11 Current Affairs and PoliticsPassage 1 Obama's China PolicyPassage 2 China FreezesPassage 3 Georgia in Turmoil, State ofEmergency DeclaredPassage 4 Iraqi Refugees in ArizonaUnit 12 LiteratureKey



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