
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:胡安琳,光峰 编  页数:125  


  为适应我国高等教育发展的新形势,推动大学英语教学改革,提高大学英语教学质量,培养符合新时期国家和社会发展需要的合格人才,教育部于2004年初颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《课程要求》),作为全国各高校实施大学英语教学的重要依据。  为了便于各高校确定教学目标并组织教学,《课程要求》将“培养学生的英语综合应用能力”作为我国大学英语教学的总体目标,并将大学英语教学的具体要求分为三个层次:一般要求、较高要求和更高要求。每个层次都对学生的英语快速阅读能力做出了具体规定。在一般要求层次,《课程要求》规定,“在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100个单词。能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。”  教育部2005年9月下旬公布了大学英语四、六级考试改革的新题型,2006年又进行了修订。改革后的大学英语四、六级考试增加了快速阅读理解的测试,快速、准确地获取信息是测试的重点。  依据《课程要求》的总体目标和具体规定,结合大学英语四、六级考试的最新要求,我们组织了大批多年在教学一线的大学英语教师,历时三年,精心编写r这套《新思路大学英语快速阅读》,以期通过长期、系统的快速阅读实践循序渐进地提高大学生的英语快速阅读水平,从而提高他们的英语综合应用能力。  《新思路大学英语快速阅读》全套分为四册,达到了《课程要求》规定的一般要求层次对于快速阅读的具体要求。全套教材在选材长度、题型设计和阅读速度等方面参考了《课程要求》和大学英语四、六级考试快速阅读理解测试的相关要求,以帮助学生培养对英语文章阅读的兴趣,熟悉题型,逐渐提高英语快速阅读能力。  《新思路大学英语快速阅读》全套教材的编写融科学性、系统性与创新性于一体。全书创造性地以主题为基本的编写单元,从一名大学生的视角设计了从入学直至大学毕业可能经历到的大学学习和生活的方方面面。选材贴近中国大学生的生活,注重趣味性和知识性、信息性和创新性,题材广泛,内容丰富,涉及语言、文化、文学、科普、体育、科技、法律、管理、社会焦点等方面。此外,教材还选取了应用文体裁的文章。全套教材四册的编写遵循了由易到难、由浅到深的基本原则,阅读文章的长度从第一册的300至500词逐渐过渡到第四册的1300词左右,难度不高于《大学英语精读》的系列教材。




Unit 1 FestivalsPassage 1 Memorial DayPassage 2 Look Out,or Youll Be the Next April FoolPassage 3 Easter DayPassage 4 Happy Fathers DayUnit 2 Social EtiquettePassage 1 HandshakesPassage 2 Professional EtiquettePassage 3 Business CardsPassage 4 Table MannersUnit 3 Sports and HealthPassage 1 Dont Just Run:Sprint!Passage 2 How Boxing WorksPassage 3 Health Benefits of TennisPassage 4 About Scuba DivingUnit 4 Love and FriendshipPassage 1 The Magic of FriendshipPassage 2 Just What Is True Love?Passage 3 History of Friendship DayPassage 4 Your Friends and Those That Love YouUnit 5 TravelPassage 1 The Great Pyramid of KhufuPassage 2 Vacation Planning for Travel to ChinaPassage 3 LhasaPassage 4 Vienna Travel GuideUnit 6 AutomobilePassage 1 Can the Future of Automobile Technology Be Anticipated?Passage2 Trend Is to Buy Not MakePassage 3 Plastic Cars for Developing NationsPassage 4 Ford Rethinks Its EV VisionUnit 7 RobotsPassage 1 That Is Me in the MiddlePassage 2 Robots Go Through the EmotionsPassage 3 Improving Industrial Efficiency Through RoboticsPassage 4 Cobots for the Assembly LineUnit 8 MoneyPassage 1 Mind over MoneyPassage 2 The Origin of DollarPassage 3 The Only Thing People Are Interested in Today Is Earning More MoneyPassage 4 Married,with MoneyUnit 9 MusicPassage 1 Light MusicPassage 2 Music Would Not Be the Same With out the GuitarPassage 3 Charlie Parker Took Jazz in a New DirectionPassage 4 I Live Entirely In My Music-BeethovenUnit 10 Fashion and TrendPassage l Coco Chanel and FashionPassage 2 Nike:The Fashion of SportsPassage 3 Join the Blogging BandwagonPassage4 Backpacking-New Trend for New CoupleUnit11 AffluenzaPassage 1 Appetite for Luxury ConsumptionPassage 2 Avoiding AffluenzaPassage 3 To Keep Up with the JonesesPassage 4 On AffluenzaUnit 12 Culture ShockPassage 1 What Is Culture Shock?Passage 2 The Study of Culture & Common ElementsPassage 3 The Brain StuffPassage 4 Culture Shock and Its EffectsKey


  If youre taking up the collection,you can ease the situation by asking only those who really know the recipient to participate. Rather than exclude anyone,though,offer the choice to someone who may not want to contribute:“I’m taking up a collection to buy Mary a wedding gift,but I know you dont know her,So I dont feel its right to ask you.”That leaves the decision entirely in the hands of the giver. From the givers point of view ,once someone has let you off the hook in this way,you should feel no pressure to contribute. Another solution used in some offices is to pass around an envelope. Each person may anonymously contribute what he or she likes.




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