
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:弗莱  页数:383  




  《批评的剖析》是神话原型批评的巅峰之作。20世纪50年代,加拿大学者弗莱(Northrop Frye)从文化和文学角度对“原型”作进一步深入阐释,发展出一套更加系统完整的原型理论。在书中,他揭示了文学对应于神话的内在结构,试图给予文学批评以独立的地位,使文学批评具有方法论原则和自然科学的连贯性,并多层面地研究了西方文学的原型图式结构。


作者:(加拿大)弗莱(Northrop Frye)


ForewordPrefatory Statements and AcknowledgmentsPOLEMICAL INTRODUCTIONFIRST ESSAY. Historical Criticism: Theory of ModesFictional Modes: IntroductionTragic Fictional ModesComic Fictional ModesThematic ModesSECOND ESSAY. Ethical Criticism: Theory of SymbolsIntroductionLiteral and Descriptive Phases: Symbol as Motif and as SignFormal Phase: Symbol as ImageMythical Phase: Symbol as ArchetypeAnagogic Phase: Symbol as MonadTHIRD ESSAY. Archetypal Criticism: Theory of MythsIntroductionTheory of Archetypal Meaning (1):Apocalyptic ImageryTheory of Archetypal Meaning (z):Demonic ImageryTheory of Archetypal Meaning (3):Analogical ImageryTheory of Mythos: IntroductionThe Mythos of Spring: ComedyThe Mythos of Summer: RomanceThe Mythos of Autumn: TragedyThe Mythos of Winter: Irony and SatireCONTENTSFOURTH ESSAY. Rhetorical Criticism: Theory of GenresIntroductionThe Rhythm of Recurrence: EposThe Rhythm of Continuity: ProseThe Rhythm of Decorum: DramaThe Rhythm of Association: LyricSpecific Forms of DramaSpecific Thematic Forms (Lyric and Epos)Specific Continuous Forms (Prose Fiction)Specific Encyclopaedic FormsThe Rhetoric of Non-Literary ProseTENTATIVE CONCLUSIONNOTESGLOSSARYINDEX


插图:The first step in developing a genuine poetics is to recognize and get rid of meaningless criticism, or talking about literature in a way that cannot help to build up a systematic structure of know. edge. This includes all the sonorous nonsense that we so often find in critical generalities, reflective comments, ideological perorations, and other consequences of taking a large view of an unorganized subject. It includes all lists of the "best" novels or poems or writers, whether their particular virtue is exclusiveness or inclusiveness. It includes all casual, sentimental, and prejudiced value judgments, and all the literary chit-chat which makes the reputations of poets boom and crash in an imaginary stock exchange. That wealthy investor Mr, Eliot, after dumping Milton on the market, is now buying him again; Donne has probably reached his peak and will begin to taper off; Tennyson may be in for a slight flutter but the Shelley stocks are still bearish. This sort of thing cannot be part of any systematic study, for a systematic study can only progress: whatever dithers or vacillates: or reacts is merely leisure-class gossip. The history of taste is no more a part of the structure of criticism than the Huxley-Wilberforce debate is a part of the structure of biological science.I believe that if this distinction is maintained and applied to the critics of the past, what they have said about real criticism will show an astonishing amount of agreement, in which the outlines of a coherent and systematic study will begin to emerge. In the history of taste, where there are no facts, and where all. truths have been, in Hegelian fashion, split into half-truths in order to sharpen their cutting edges, we perhaps do feel that the study of literature is too relative and subjective ever to make any consistent sense. But as the. history of. taste has no organic connection with criticism, it can easily be separated. Mr. Eliot's essay The Function of Criticism begins by laying down the principle that the existing monuments of literature form an ideal order among themselves, and are not simply collections of the writings of individuals.






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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   这个让人略微纠结的人物,下定决心啃掉他的这本书。收到发现是朱刚教授中文导读的英文版......朱老师导读向来不错,英文版原文......不知道能不能啃完......
  •   正版书,只不过纸张有点薄,背面的文字都能看见了,不用这么省吧?
  •   看上去像是正版的 就是贵! 但是纸张很好!
  •   希望外研社今后多翻印些原版书。

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