出版时间:2009-11 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:陈春华 编 页数:148
本书是根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(2000年版)以及《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》(2004年新版)编写而成的,供参加TEM8考试的学生以及对同等难度的听力训练感兴趣的学习者考前模拟训练与自测之用。 本书主要包括以下3个部分:一、TEM8听力测试各类题型的简介与考试应对方法;二、TEM8听力模拟试题12套;三、听力模拟试题的录音文字材料及答案。 本书主要有以下几个特点: 一、对TEM8听力测试中的各类题型进行非常详尽的讲解,并对各种题型的考试应对方法提出了具体解决方案,充分考虑了中国考生的特点、弱点与听力习惯,是各位老师多年来教学心得的完美体现。 二、本书包含与TEM8听力测试难度相当的多套模拟试题,实战性强,非常适合学习者在考前进行突击训练。 三、本书在讲解如何准备TEM8听力测试的同时,还讲解了如何进一步提高听力水平的训练方法与注意事项,这对听力水平普遍较弱的中国学习者有效提高听力水平有重要的指导意义。 本书除了对参加TEM8考试的考生具有指导意义与实用价值外,还适合英语水平较高的自学者使用。 本书由解放军外国语学院英语系视听说教研室的高年级阶段听说骨干教师编写而成。本书的编写具体分工如下:吴南松博士负责TEM8听力试题类型的简介与考试应对方法的讲解;李燕敏、蔡虹、郭建友负责12套模拟试题;全书由陈春华博士负责统稿。 本书的专项训练与模拟试题配有录音,由外籍教师朗读。
第一部分 TEM8听力考试备考指南 第一章 笔记填空题(Mini—lecture)的备考 一、提高语义标示语意识 二、提高记笔记的能力 第二章 对话/采访题(Conversation/Inten,iew)的备考 一、心理预期 二、总体意义的理解 三、具体细节的理解 四、根据已有信息进行判断和推理 第三章 新闻广播题(News Broadcast)的备考 一、考试对新闻的要求 二、TEM8新闻题材 三、新闻英语的特点 四、听大意、抓关键;听细节、记要点 五、听抄的妙用 六、新闻中的常见词汇和表达法.第二部分 TEM8听力模拟试题 Model Test One Model Test Two Model Test Three Model Test Four Model Test Five Model Test Six Model Test Seven Model Test Eight Model Test Nine Model Test Ten Model Test Eleven Model Test Twelve第三部分 TEM8听力模拟试题录音文字与答案 Model Test One Model Test TW0 Model Test Three Model Test Four Model Test Five Model Test Six Model Test Seven Model Test Eight Model Test Nine Model Test Ten Model Test Eleven Model Test Twelve
Second,once good talkers have asked questions,they listen for answers.This pointseems obvious,but it isn’t in fact.Making people feel comfortable isn’t simply a maRer ofmaking idle conversation.Your questions have a point.You’re really asking.“What sort ofperson are you?”and to find out,you have to really listen.There are at least three components of real listening.For one thing,real listening means not changing the subject.If someone sticks to one topic,you Can assume that he or she is really interested in it.Another component of real listening is listening not just to words but to tones of voice.I once mentioned D.H.Lawrence to a friend.To my astonishment.she launched into an academic discussion of the imagery in Lawrence’S works.Midway through,I listened to her voice.It was,to putit mildly,unanimated,and it seemed obvious that the imagery monologue was intended solelyfor my benefit,and I quickly changed the subject.At last,real listening means using youreyes as well as your ears.When your gaze wanders,it makes people think they’re boring you,or what they are saying is not interesting.Of course,you don’t have to stare,or glare atthem.Simply looking aRentive will make most people think that you think they’re fascinating. Next,good talkers are not afrmd to laugh.If you think of all the people you know who make you feel comfortable,you may notice that all of them laugh a lot. Laughter is not only warming and friendly,it’S also a good way to ease other people’S discomfort.I have a friend who might enjoy watching a gathering of other people who do not know each other well.Thefirst few minutes of talk are a bit uneasy and hesitant,for the people involved do not yet have a sense of each other.Invariably,a light comment or joke is made,and my friend’S easy laughter appears like sunshine in the conversation.There is always then a visible softening that takes place.Other people smile,and loosen in response to her laughter,and the conversation goes on with more warmth and ease.