
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:阿多诺(Theodor W.Adorno)、 Shierry Weber Nicholsen 上海外语教育出版社 (2009-09出版)  作者:阿多诺  页数:350  译者:Shierry Weber Nicholsen  




  泰奥德·阿多诺(Theodor W.Adorno,1903-1969)是德国著名哲学家、社会学家、文艺理论家和音乐理论家,是法兰克福学派的著名代表人物以及社会批判理论的奠基者。他在许多领域均有创见,特别是在哲学、美学以及文论领域,在西方社会具有广泛而深刻的影响力。  阿多诺的文学批评并不属于正统的批评理论,他的文本处理方式既富有魅力,又几乎无法阐释。这意味着我们在阐释、评价阿多诺的这些复杂多义的文学批评时,既要指出他在批评理论这个大框架内的地位,也要考虑到他独特的个人气质、行文习惯以及他惯有的自相矛盾,并辨析他的观点正确与否。


作者:(德国)阿多诺(Theodor W.Adorno) 译者:(德国)Shierry Weber Nicholsen


TRANSLATOR'S PREFACEEDITORIAL REMARKS FROM THE GERMAN EDITIONⅢTitlesToward a Portrait of Thomas MannBibliographical MusingsOn an Imaginary FeuilletonMorals and CriminalityThe Curious Realist:On Siegfried KracauerCommitmentPresuppositionsParataxis:On H61derlin'S Late PoetryⅣOn the Classicism of Goethe's IphigenieOn Dickens' The OM Curiosity ShopCharmed Language: On the Poetry of Rudolf BorchardtThe Handle, the Pot, and Early ExperienceIntroduction to Benjamin's SchriftenBenjamin the Letter WriterAn Open Letter to Rolf HochhuthIs Art Lighthearted?APPENDIXExpressionism and Artistic Truthfulness: Toward a Critique of Recent LiteraturePlatz: On the Drama by Fritz von UnruhFrank Wedekind and His Genre Painting, MusikOn the Legacy of Frank WedekindPhysiological RomanticismThe Economic Crisis as IdyllOn the Use of Foreign WordsTheses Upon Art and Religion TodayA TitleUnrat and AngelOn the Crisis of Literary CriticismRemarks Occasioned by Wilhelm Lehman's "Bemerkungen zur Kunst des Gedichts"On Proust1. Swann's Way2. Within a Budding GroveFrom a Letter to Thomas Mann on His Die BetrogeneBenjamin's EinbahnstrasseOn Benjamin's Deutsche Menschen, a Book of LettersReflections on the VolksstiickNOTESINDEX


Heinrich Fischer, the editor of the new edition of Sittlichkeit und Kriminalitiit [Morals and Criminality], says in his postscript that no book by Karl Kraus is more relevant today than this one, published almost sixty years ago. This is the pure truth. For all the talk to the contrary, nothing has changed in the fundamental stratum of bourgeois society. It has walled itself off malevolently as though it were indeed eternal and existed by natural law the way its ideology used to assert that it did. It will not be talked out of its hardening of the heart-without which the National Socialists could not have murdered millions of people undisturbed-any more than it will be talked out of the domination of human beings by the exchange principle, which is the basis for that subjective hardening. The need to punish what ought not to be punished becomes flagrant. In Kraus' diagnosis, the judiciary, with the obduracy of sound popular sentiment, arrogates to itself the right to defend nonexistent rights, even where by this time the majority of the representatives of scholarship and science no longer subscribe to things which in the earlier years of the century only a few psychologists like Freud and William Stern-whom Kraus praised for it at the "time——dared to attack. The more adroitly ongoing social injustice conceals itself under the unfree equality of compulsory consumers, the happier it is to bare its teeth in the domain of unsanctioned sexuality and let those who have been successfully homogenized know that the social order is serious about not letting itself be trifled with.






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  •   很贵,而且印刷量不多。市面上少见。亚马逊缺货了一段时间。趁满减期间收了。英译者很给力。很好。

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