
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:詹姆逊  页数:432  


  改革开放30年以来,我国的图书出版业发展迅速,日新月异。近10年,国内一些出版社经授权直接印行外版文学批评与理论的著作,并以国内同类产品的价格标价,受到大学师生和研究者由衷的欢迎。在这些图书中,上海外语教育出版社从剑桥大学出版社引进的“剑桥文学指南丛书”尤其成功,它们大大推进了我国英语文学的教学与研究。  20世纪下半叶是众多文学理论各领风骚的50年,文学研究的面貌大大改观,理论家和批评家取得了与诗人、作家几乎平起平坐的地位。正是各种文论使我们意识到,我们不能一直处于一种天真的状态,对主导批评活动的或明或暗的方法、预设和前提不加追问。上世纪70、80年代开始,欧美大学文学系对理论课程的需求迅速增长,一些文论选本和文论导读、入门也应运而生,有的还被译成了中文,在大学师生中很受欢迎。这些辅助性的指南固然有其用处,但是要了解文论的精髓,我们还是应该暂时把二手译作放在一边,回到原著。  在一些学者的大力推荐下,外教社决定再推出“西方文论丛书”,首批五种。这些著作堪称文学与哲学研究的经典,其影响不必由我在此赘述。


  《马克思主义与形式》是研究马克思主义文学批评理论的经典学术专著。该书的作者是中国学者熟识的弗雷德里克·詹姆逊(Fredric Jameson),是时下公认的两位最有声望的西方马克思主义理论家之一。在书中,詹姆逊对马克思主义及其主要理论家——阿多诺、本雅明、马尔库塞、布洛赫、卢卡契、萨特等人的理论进行了评述。詹姆逊认为马克思主义理论的强大生命力来源于辩证思维方式,他反对孤立地观察事物,认为世间万物都以一定的形式相互关联,并试图建立一种辩证的文学批评。


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsCHAPTER ONE T.W. Adorno; or, Historical TropesCHAPTER Two Versions of a Marxist HermeneuticⅠ. WALTER BENJAMIN; OR NOSTALGIAⅡ. MARCUSE AND SCHILLERⅢ. ERNST BLOCH AND THE FUTUP,CHAPTER THREE The Case for Georg LukacsCHAPTER FOUR Sartre and HistoryCHAPTER FIVE Towards Dialectical CriticismBibliographyIndex


  Nowhere is the hostility of the Anglo-American tradition toward the dialectical more apparent, however, than in the widespread notion that the style of these works is obscure and cumbersome, indigestible, abstract——or, to sum it all up in a convenient catchword, Germanic. It can be admitted that it does not conform to the canons of clear and fluid journalistie writing taught in the schools. But what ff those ideals of clarity and simplicity have come to serve a very different ideological purpose, in our present context, from the one Descartes had in mind? What if, in this period of the overproduction of printed matter and the proliferation of methods of quiek reading, they were intended to speed the reader across a sentence in such a way that he can salute a readymade idea effortlessly in passing, without suspecting that real thought demands a descent into the materiality of language and a consent to time itself in the form of the sentence? In the language of Adorno——perhaps the finest dialectical intelligence, the finest stylist, of them all——density is itself a eonduet of intransigence: the bristling mass of abstractions and cross-references is precisely intended to be read in situation, against the cheap facility of what surrounds it, as a warning to the reader of the price he has to pay for genuine thinking, The resolute abstractness of this style stands as an imperative to pass beyond the individual empirical phenomenon to its meaning: abstract terminology clings to its object as a sign of the latters ineompleteness in itself, of its need to be replaced in the context of the totality. I cannot imagine anyone with the slightest feeling for the dialectical nature of reality remsining insensible to the purely formal pleasure of such sentences, in which the shifting of the worlds gears and the unexpected contact between apparently unrelated and distant categories and objects find sudden and dramatic formulation.






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