
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:上海外教  作者:李振中  页数:211  


  《追求和谐的完美:评马修·阿诺德文学与文化批评理论》全面和系统地研究了马修·阿诺德文学与文化批评理论。作者在梳理国内外相关文献的基础上,从马修·阿诺德的批评是否具有一致性这个在英美学术界中颇有争议的问题切入,从文学、文化和社会三个方面对马修·阿诺德的批评理论进行了深入的探讨,对贯穿他整个批评理论的“和谐的完美”这一崇高人文理想进行了充分的论证,并澄清了一些容易使人对他产生误解的问题。  《追求和谐的完美:评马修·阿诺德文学与文化批评理论》语言流畅,层次分明,论据翔实,是国内阿诺德研究的一项最新成果。


Introduction0.1 Amoldian studies in Britain and America0.1.1 Controversies over Arnold‘s poetic and critical identity0.1.2 Controversies over Arnold’s gift for consistency0.2 Amoldian studies in the Chinese context0.3 Argument for Arnold‘s consistency in pursuit of an ideal of harmonious perfectionChapter 1 Harmonious Perfection in Literary Criticism1.1 An Amoldian definition of literature and literary criticism1.2 Choice of subject matter for writing poetry and criticism1.2.1 Considerations behind the choice of poetic models1.2.2 Considerations behind the choice of critical objects1.3 Notion of intellectual deliverance through literature1.4 Criticism on the false practice in translating Homer 1.5 View of relationship between poetry and criticism1.5.1 Poetry as a criticism of life1.5.2 Poet’s contribution to criticism1.5.3 Critic‘s commitment to disinterestednessChapter 2 Harmonious Perfection in the Theorization of Culture2.1 The conception of culture2.1.1 Evolution of the concept of culture2.1.2 Culture as a key word2.2 Culture defined as an embodiment of the ideal of harmonious perfection2.2.l Culture’s union of scientific and ethical passions2.2.2 Culture‘s combination of knowing and doing2.3 Culture in criticism of the falseness of the middle-class values2.3.1 Domination of the middle-class values in Victorian England2.3.2 Culture’s analysis on the falseness of the middle-class faith in machinery2.3.3 Culture‘s rational attitude towards machinery as distinguished from the blind faith of the fanaticism2.4 Culture in evaluation of historical movements and forces2.4.1 Appreciation of the Oxford movement2.4.2 Criticism on Philistinism and Jacobinism2.5 Insistence upon the best that has been thought and known for all humanityChapter 3 Harmonious Perfection in the Conception of State3.1 Disputes over Arnold’s idea of the State3.2 Desire to save the nation from the danger of anarchy3.3 Sympathy for democracy and concern with popular benefit3.4 Principle of authority as an institutional norm for the State3.5 Faith in an idealized State based on the collective best selfConclusionAppendix 1 Matthew Arnold: A ChronologyAppendix 2 Transcriptions for Chinese Names and Titles 1.Transcriptions for Chinese Names2.Selected Transcriptions for Chinese -titlesBibliography




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