出版时间:2009-5 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:庄恩忠 页数:205
《跨文化视角英语阅读教程2》根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》精心设计编写,目的在于培养学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性,以提高跨文化交际能力。体现跨文化交际研究成果:教材主要编者都是长期从事跨文化交际和外语教学研究的专家,在教材编写中充分体现了跨文化交际学科和外语教学的融合; 将跨文化交际能力的培养融入语言学习与教学之中:《跨文化视角英语阅读教程2》精心设计了Learning Culture through Quotations/Proverbs这一练习,将语言—文化—行为三者融为一体,学生参与讨论,既能锻炼学生的语言运用能力,理解谚语与文化之间的关系,又能提高学生的思辨性思维能力,增强跨文化意识; 培养评判性阅读与批判性思维能力:Building Critical Reading and Thinking Skills旨在引导学生思考和讨论与课文相关的其他内容,鼓励学生结合社会现象与个人经历,从不同角度分析问题,阐述观点; 注重跨文化交际技能训练:通过案例分析,引导学生进行讨论与分析,从而提高跨文化交际能力。 《跨文化视角英语阅读教程2》可供本科英语专业、商务英语专业作为阅读课、跨文化交际课教材,也可用作大学英语选修课教材、还可供高职高专商务英语专业选用。
Unit 1 Culture and CommunicationBefore You ReadReading PassageCulture and CommunicationAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingCulture and Intercultural CommunicationUnit 2 The Art of Public SpeakingBefore You ReadReading PassageBeginning the Speech (1)After You ReadSupplementary ReadingBeginning the Speech (2)Unit 3 Nervousness in Public SpeakingBefore You ReadReading PassageThe Value of Nervousness in Public SpeakingAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingPublic SpeakingUnit 4 Becoming an Active ListenerBefore You ReadReading PassageBecoming an Active ListenerAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingThe Five Factors of ListeningUnit 5 Giving Constructive FeedbackBefore You ReadReading PassageHow to Give Constructive FeedbackAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingPrepare to Give Constructive FeedbackUnit 6 Small Talk; Big RoleBefore You ReadReading PassageSmall Talk; Big RoleAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingHow to Be a Mingler, Not a ManglerUnit 7 Intercultural Competence in Business Presentations Before You ReadReading PassageIntercultural Competence in Business PresentationsAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingIntercultural Factors When Making International PresentationsUnit 8 Space and CommunicationBefore You ReadReading PassageSpace and CommunicationAfter You Read.Supplementary ReadingIn Certain Circles, Two Is a CrowdUnit 9 Time and CultureBefore You ReadReading PassageTime and CultureAfter You Read.Supplementary ReadingTime OrientationUnit 10 Nonverbal Communication in lob InterviewsBefore You Read.Reading PassageNonverbal Communication in Job InterviewsAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingEvery Body‘s TalkingUnit 11 Managing Interviews in the WorkplaceBefore You Read.Reading PassageManaging Interviews in the WorkplaceAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingEarly Career Development —— Establish "Success Syndrome"Unit 12 Steps in Cultural UnderstandingBefore You ReadReading PassageSteps in Cultural UnderstandingAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingHigh-context and Low-context Communication121Problems for American Employees in Japanese Companies Before You ReadReading PassageUnit 13 Problems for American Employees in Japanese CompanAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingCultural Insights: Brain Scans Support Surprising Differences in Perception BetweenWestemer and AsiansUnit 14 Student Evaluation of TeachingBefore You ReadReading PassageStudent Evaluation of TeachingAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingNew York Measuring Teachers by Test ScoresUnit 15 Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsBefore You ReadReading PassageMaslow‘s Hierarchy of NeedsAfter You ReadSupplementary ReadingSelf-actualization