出版时间:2009-5 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:潘志强 主编 页数:83 字数:84000
新课标高中英语活页文选全套共6册,采用活页形式,便于学生携带,并提供全文MP3录音的免费下载,读听结合,能有效强化语篇的理解与记忆。本套书适合高一至高三年级学生使用,也可供高中英语阅读总复习使用。 选文题材丰富、时代感强,选篇标准和出题思路与最新高考阅读理解命题趋势相符。 练习形式新颖,能帮助学生扩大词汇量、提高英语阅读技能和技巧。 真正活页形式,便于学生随身携带,利用零星时间,见缝插针进行阅读。 篇幅长短适中,便于教师利用10分钟左右的课堂时间,指导学生完成一篇短文的阅读。 全套共6册,适合高一至高三学生使用,也可供高中英语阅读总复习使用。 提供全文MP3录音的免费下载,读听结合,强化语篇的理解与记忆。
Honor6 de Balzac once said that a mother‘s happiness is like a beacon,lighting up the future but also reflected on the past in the form of fond memo-vies. Mothers are the most valued people in the world and our connection withour mothers is a universal symbol of unconditional love, affection and care. And that is the reason why all over the world, Mother’s Day is celebrated toshow great respect and gratefulness to all the lovely mothers of the world. It isour way of expressing heartfelt gratitude towards our moms and to let them knowthat we are always there. We thank them for making us who we are. Some believe that the origin of Mother‘s Day goes back to ancient Greece,where a special festival was held in the honor of Cybele, a great mother of Greekgods. This festival was held around the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor andeventually in Rome. In some other countries, Mother’s Day began not as a celebration for indi-vidual mothers but rather marked a Christian ritual. People in the United States celebrate Mother‘s Day in May. This day wasinfluenced by the British day and was imported by social activist Julia WardHowe after the Civil War. The Mother’s Day Proclamation was written in 1870 as a call forpeace and disarmament. Ann Jarvis in the United Kingdom attempted to improve sanitationconditions and therefore gathered women through what she called Mothers‘ WorkDays. In parts of the United States it is customary to plant tomatoes outdoors af-ter Mother’s Day.