
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:舒白梅  页数:336  


  我国英语专业本科教学与学科建设,伴随着我国改革开放的步伐,得到了长足的发展和提升。回顾这三十多年英语专业教学改革和发展的历程,无论是英语专业教学大纲的制订、颁布、实施和修订,还是四、八级考试的开发与推行,以及多项英语教学改革项目的开拓,无不是围绕英语专业的学科建设和人才培养而进行的,正如《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》提出的英语专业的培养目标,即培养“具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才。”为促进英语专业本科建设的发展和教学质量的提高,外语专业教学指导委员会还实施了“新世纪教育质量改革工程”,包括推行“十五”、“十一五”国家级教材规划和外语专业国家精品课程评审,从各个教学环节加强对外语教学质量的宏观监控,从而确保为我国的经济建设输送大量的优秀人才。  跨入新世纪,英语专业的建设面临新的形势和任务:经济全球化、科技一体化、文化多元化、信息网络化的发展趋势加快,世界各国之间的竞争日趋激烈,这对我国英语专业本科教学理念和培养目标提出了新的挑战;大学英语教学改革如火如荼;数字化、网络化等多媒体教学辅助手段在外语教学中广泛应用和不断发展;英语专业本科教育的改革和学科建设也呈现出多样化的趋势,翻译专业、商务英语专业相继诞生—一这些变化和发展无疑对英语专业的学科定位、人才培养以及教材建设提出了新的、更高的要求。  上海外语教育出版社(简称外教社)在新世纪之初约请了全国三十余所著名高校百余位英语教育专家,对面向新世纪的英语专业本科生教材建设进行了深入、全面、广泛和具有前瞻性的研讨,成功地推出了理念新颖、特色明显、体系完备的“新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材”,并被列入“十五”国家级规划教材,以其前瞻性、先进性和创新性等特点受到全国众多使用院校的广泛好评。


  《现代外语教育学(第2版)》是新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版)旨在打造完整的英语专业学科体系,全面促进学生的语言技能、学科素养和创新能力的培养,必将为我国培养国际化、创新型、高素质的英语专业人才奠定坚实的基础!权威性和先进性的体现:按照《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》提出的培养目标、课程设置、教学要求和教学原则精心设计,凝聚海内外英语专业教育界专家学者的智慧,反映英语专业教育、科研的最新成果。  前瞻性和创新性的结晶:基于广泛的市场调研、详尽的需求分析和严谨的科学判断,梳理现有教程,优化教材结构,更新教学方法和手段,强化学生综合能力的培养。  专业素质和人文素养的同步提升:专业技能、专业知识、相关专业知识的完美匹配,帮助学生打下扎实的语言基本功,增强其分析问题、解决问题的能力,提高专业素质和人文素养,使学生真正成为国际化、创新型、高素质的英语专业人才。


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 11.1 Reasons for Studying Foreign Language Teaching Methodology 11.2 Understanding Foreign Language Teaching Methodology 21.3 Disciplines Contributing to Foreign Language Teaching (FLT) 51.4 Factors Influencing Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 61.5 Summary 91.6 Questions and Tasks 10CHAPTER 2 ASPECTS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING 122.1 Views of Language and Foreign Language Teaching 122.2 Foreign Language Teaching Syllabus 162.3 Principles of Foreign Language Teaching 222.4 Aims and Objectives of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 242.5 Summary 282.6 Questions and Tasks 28CHAPTER 3 ASPECTS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING 303.1 Behaviorism versus Mentatism 303.2 The Monitor Model of Second Language Development 343.3 From Theory to Practice 373.4 Language Learning Strategies 383.5 Factors Contributing to Foreign Language Learning 433.6 Summary 483.7 Questions and Tasks 49CHAPTER 4 THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF PRONUNCIATION 504.1 General Knowledge of the Sound System 504.2 Principles oF Teaching and Learning Pronunciation 554.3 Techniques for Teaching Pronunciation 564.4 Basic Issues in Pronunciation Teaching 624.5 Summary 644.6 Questions and Tasks 65CHAPTER 5 THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF VOCABULARY 665.1 General Knowledge of Vocabulary 665.2 Principles of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary 725.3 Techniques for Teaching Vocabulary 745.4 Basic Issues in Teaching Vocabulary 805.5 Summary 815.6 Questions and Tasks 82CHAPTER 6 THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF GRAMMAR 846.1 General Knowledge of Grammar 846.2 Approaches to the Teaching and Learning of Grammar 856.3 Principles of Teaching and Learning Grammar 906.4 Techniques for Teaching Grammar 916.5 Basic Issues in Teaching Grammar 986.6 Summary 986.7 Questions and Tasks 99CHAPTER 7 THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF DISCOURSE 1017.1 General Knowledge of Discourse 1017.2 Approaches to the Development of Discourse Skills 1067.3 Principles of Teaching and Learning Discourse 1077.4 Techniques for Teaching Discourse 1077.5 Basic Issues in Teaching Discourse 1127.6 Summary 1137.7 Questions and Tasks 113CHAPTER 8 THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF LISTENING 1168.1 The Nature of Listening Comprehension 1168.2 Native Speaker Listening and Listening to a Foreign Language 1218.3 Principles of Teaching and Learning Listening .1248.4 Techniques for Teaching Listening 1288.5 Points to Consider in Teaching Listening 1328.6 Summary 1338.7 Questions and Tasks 134CHAPTER 9 THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF READING 1359.1 The Nature of Reading Comprehension 1359.2 Factors and Their Implications for Reading in an L2 1379.3 Principles of Teaching and Learning Reading 1409.4 Techniques for Teaching Reading 1469.5 Points to Consider in Teaching Reading 1509.6 Summary 1529.7 Questions and Tasks 153CHAPTER 10 THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF SPEAKING 15510.1 The Nature of Oral Interaction 15510.2 Two Major Approaches to the Teaching of Speaking 15910.3 Principles of Teaching and Learning Speaking 16110.4 Techniques for Teaching Speaking 16310.5 Points to Consider in Teaching Speaking 17310.6 Summary 17410.7 Questions and Tasks 175CHAPTER 11 THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF WRITING 17611.1 The Nature of Writing 17611.2 Approaches to the Teaching of Writing 17911.3 Principles oFTeaching and Learning Writing 18211.4 Techniques for Teaching Writing 18811.5 Points to Consider in Teaching Writing 9111.6 Summary 19411.7 Questions and Tasks 195CHAPTER 12 CLASSROOM COMMUNICATION AND MANAGEMENT 19612.1 Communication in the Classroom 19612.2 Dimensions of Classroom Management 19912.3 Effective Classroom Instruction 20512.4 Cooperative Learning 21012.5 Summary 21512.6 Questions and Tasks 215CHAPTER 3 USING TECHNOLOGY FOR LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION 21713.1 Defining Educational Technology 21713.2 Principles of Using Media in the Classroom 21813.3 An Overview of Classroom Media 21913.4 Traditional Ways of Using Technology for Language Instruction 22113.5 Using CALL to Enhance Language Learning 22613.6 Other Uses of Computers 22913.7 Summary 23413.8 Questions and Tasks 235CHAPTER 14 ASSESSING AND EVALUATING TEACHING AND LEARNING 23714.1 Basic Knowledge of Assessment 23714.2 Principles of Test Design 24614.3 Alternative Assessment 25214.4 Summary 25714.5 Questions and Tasks 257CHAPTER 15 ERROR ANALYSIS AND REMEDIAL WORK 25915.1 Purposes in Error Analysis 25915.2 Theories of Error Analysis 25915.3 Prerequisites for Error Analysis 26215.4 Procedures of Error Analysis 26415.5 Error Correction 26615.6 Summary 27215.7 Questions and Tasks 272CHAPTER 16 A SURVEY OF FLT APPROACHESCHAPTER 17 FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN CHINACHAPTER 18 TEACHERSPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTPOSTSCRIRTBIBLIOGRAPHY


  In the previous chapter, we looked at bottom-up and top-down approaches to thedevelopment of listening. Similar approaches have been employed in relation toreading. The bottom-up approach views reading as a process of decoding writtensymbols into their aural equivalents in a linear fashion. Thus one first discriminateseach letter as it is encountered, sounds these out, matching the written symbolswith their aural equivalents, blends these together to form words, and derivesmeaning. Arriving at the meaning of a word is therefore the final step in the process.The alternative, known as the top-down approach, teaches words by their overallshape or configuration. According to this view, one begins with a set of hypothesesor predictions about the meaning of a text one is about to read, and then selectivelysamples the text to determine whether or not ones predictions are correct. Readingis a process of reconstructing meaning rather than decoding form, and the readeronly resorts to decoding if other means fail.




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