
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:刘绍龙,孙生茂 编  页数:231  


  本听说教程共有四册,每册配有教师用书和录音,可供英语学习者两年之用。四册题材各不相同,按照从易至难的原则逐册编排。每册包括18个单元,编撰理念和体系基本相同。策略提示(即Skills Development)主要集中在第一、第二册,第三、第四册虽不再提示,但相关训练仍体现在各类听力练习和口语活动中。本套书各单元基本由三大部分组成:1.Getting Ready(热身准备),2.Listening&Speaking(听与说),3.Additional Activifies(补充练习)。每单元课堂教学进度大约为四学时,具体安排须依各校实际情况或学生的实际水平而定。教师可根据学生的知识水平和英语程度对其中的口语热身(Warm-up speaking)、口语实践(Extended Speaking)、语言跟踪(Language Follow-up)和补充活动(Additional Actiivities)中的内容作适当调整或补充。 每册所配的教师用书共由六部分组成:教学焦点;教学提示相关背景信息重点词汇与表达答案录音文字。这些内容为使用《新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材:听说教程(第4册)(教师用书)》的教师提供了每册书各单元的教学目标、教学步骤、相关背景知识、重点词/难词与习惯表达等,教师备课尽可参考使用并将其中的一些思想、知识付诸于日常教学实践。


Unit 1 Ball GamesⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 2 Employment and UnemploymentⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 3 World PopulationⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 4 International RelationsⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 5 Science ReportsⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 6 Get Close to AmericaⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 7 Get Close to BritainⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 8 GlobaligationⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 9 CloneⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 10 E-BusinessⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 11 Wars in PeaceⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 12 Historic FiguresⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 13 Education AlroadⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 14 Music WorldⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 15 Development ReportsⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 16 Outer SpaceⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 17 Mass MediaⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ TapescriptsUnit 18 Competition and CooperationⅠ Focus of TeachingⅡ Teaching NotesⅢ Topic-Related Background InformationⅣ Key Words and ExpressionsⅤ Keys to the ExercisesGetting ReadyListening & SpeakingLanguage Follow-UpAdditional ActivitiesⅥ Tapescripts



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