出版时间:2009-2 出版社:上海外教 作者:(美)麦瑟尔德|改编:王彤福 页数:160
本书是《上外一朗文学生系列读物》其中一本。 本系列读物是专为中国学生编写的,旨在提高学生对英语的阅读理解能力,同时扩大学生的英语词汇量,增进对英语语法和句型的认识。 本系列读物所选课文都是一些妙趣横生的故事和西方家喻户晓的笑话。通过阅读和学习,学生可以加深对西方幽默感的了解。 为了让学生能巩固所学内容,每个故事后都编有大量练习,练习的内容和形式多种多样,包括词汇理解、内容理解、句子配对、正误判断、选择填空以及作文训练等等。 针对学生的学习需要,每课课文后都从课文中抽出一些重点词汇、短语或语法句型作重点讲解,使学生在这些方面能有更深一层的认识和总结,并通过特别编写的练习加以巩固。 《上外一朗文学生系列读物》能有效地加强在校学生对英语的阅读理解,提高会考能力,同时也能帮助自学青年有效地自修,将英语阅读水平大大提高一步。
【上外——朗文学生系列读物】是为中国学生编写的一套系列读物,内容风趣,程度由浅入深。该系列读物每册包括15至20个妙趣横生然而又寓意深刻的小故事。每个故事后都配有一组针对中国学生需要的练习。各册词汇难度循序渐进,使学生学起来毫不费力但又在不知不觉中有所提高。每个故事后的插图生动活泼,既可提高学生兴趣,又有助于他们更好地理解故事的含意。 本系列读物既可在课堂上使用,也可供各级水平的英语爱好者自学。每册后附有习题答案,以方便读者查考。
Unit 1 The Prize WinnerUnit 2 The Wrong DateUnit 3 Sales TalkUnit 4 As Good as NewUnit 5 You Can't Change the FutureUnit 6 Sweet MusicUnit 7 The Last WordUnit 8 A Foreign LanguageUnit 9 The BetUnit 10 Not on the MenuUnit 11 Water! Water!Unit 12 The Movie-goerUnit 13 In AgreementUnit 14 Six Months to LiveUnit 15 Check!Unit 16 Odd Man OutUnit 17 Child's Eye ViewUnit 18 The Right PlaceUnit 19 Not So StupidUnit 20 A Little KnowledgeAnswers
Two old men, Bob and AIf, were waiting in line outside a stadium. They were waiting to get into a baseball game. They were both poor and could not afford to watch the game from the best part of the stadium. They were in line to get into the cheapest section where they would have to stand all the time. Baseball games were the only pleasure they could afford, and they went to a game every week. When they reached the gate where a man was checking tickets, Bob showed his ticket and was allowed inside the stadium. AIf started looking for his ticket. He looked in his trouser pockets. He looked in his jacket pockets. He even looked in his shirt pocket. The man checking the tickets became impatient. "Whats that in your mouth?" he asked. "Ah!" AIf exclaimed. "Its my ticket. I knew I had it somewhere." He took the chewed and soggy ticket out of his mouth and showed it to the man at the gate. "O.K., O.K." the man at the gate said. "You can go in." When AIf was inside the stadium, Bob said, "That was a stupid place to keep your ticket." "It wasnt so stupid," AIf said. "1 was chewing off last weeks date!"
《妙语短篇D1》是《上外一朗文学生系列读物》其中一本。 本系列读物是专为中国学生编写的,旨在提高学生对英语的阅读理解能力,同时扩大学生的英语词汇量,增进对英语语法和句型的认识。 本系列读物所选课文都是一些妙趣横生的故事和西方家喻户晓的笑话。通过阅读和学习,学生可以加深对西方幽默感的了解。 为了让学生能巩固所学内容,每个故事后都编有大量练习,练习的内容和形式多种多样,包括词汇理解、内容理解、句子配对、正误判断、选择填空以及作文训练等等。 针对学生的学习需要,每课课文后都从课文中抽出一些重点词汇、短语或语法句型作重点讲解,使学生在这些方面能有更深一层的认识和总结,并通过特别编写的练习加以巩固。