
出版时间:2008-10  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:田贵森  页数:193  


  《英语专业写作》第四册共分为四个部分:(1)英语学术写作简介;(2)学术论文的写作;(3)研究报告的写作;(4)英语专业毕业论文的写作。每部分由五个单元组成。本书的基本框架是第一部分介绍英语学术写作与学术研究的关系,学术写作的基本特征和要求。第二部分介绍以图书资料为基础的学术论文的写作要素,以及写好既言之有物,又符合学术规范的研究性学期论文的方法和步骤。第三部分介绍以实证研究为基础的研究报告的写作,为今后从事英语教学,培养定性和定量研究打下良好基础。第四部分介绍英语专业学士学位论文的写作,从英语语言学、英语文学、翻译和教学法等方面, 给以翔实的例证和分析,以期对英语专业学生做好毕业论文提供参考。贯穿全书的教学活动涉及:学术写作的选题,相关文献的检索和综述,论文探究问题的提炼和表述,论文提纲的编制和修改,论文各个部分的写作,如:引言、主体、结语、提要、参考文献及附录等。英语学术写作是在学生接受了英语写作基本功的训练后,学习了初步学术研究方法的基础上,达到用英语撰写论文的更高要求,也是培养大学生创新能力的重要环节。本书用简洁的语言对英语学术写作的各个环节和要求作了详细介绍,并尽量多地提供典型例文给学生作参考,同时设计了丰富多样的练习。我们强调教学内容介绍、典型例丈示范和参与写作体验并重的教学方法,学生在阅读和课堂教学中学习知识,从典型例文中获得启发,在写作体验中逐步提高。正如英语谚语所说,“Knowing without doing is not knowing at all。”




SECTION ONE  INTRODUCING ACADEMIC WRITING  Unit 1  Research and Writing    1. Defining academic writing    2. Major types of research    3. Major features of academic writing  Unit 2  Choosing a Topic    1. Criteria of good topics    2. Major sources of research topics    3. Suggested steps for choosing a topic  Unit 3  Reviewing Related Literature    1. Locating the sources of related literature    2. Searching strategies    3. Evaluating materials  Unit 4  Style and Mechanics    1. Academic writing style    2. Language focus: citation and tenses    3. Tips on mechanics  Unit 5  Documentation    1. Purpose of documentation    2. Major formats and styles of documentation    3. Examples of citing and listing sourcesSECTION TWO WRITING RESEARCH PAPERS  Unit  1  Major Elements of Research Papers    1. Understanding library research    2. Major approaches of research papers    3. Majorcomponents of research papers  Unit 2  Formulating a Thesis Statement    1. Function of a thesis statement    2. Basic requirements for a thesis statement    3. Tips on writing a thesis statement  Unit 3  Drafting and Revising the Research Paper    1. Structure and the writing process    2. Revising for unity and coherence    3. Editing for clarity and style  Unit 4  Writing the Abstract    1. Features and elements of the abstract    2. Tips on writing the abstract    3. Checklist for a good abstract  Unit 5  Tips on Good Writing    1. Respect your ideas    2. Write it with style    3. Avoid common grammatical errorsSECTION THREE WRITING RESEARCH REPORTS  Unit 1  Major Elements of Research Reports    1. Understanding the research process    2. Major components of research reports    3. Major features of research reports  Unit 2  Writing an Introduction    1. Major components of introductions    2. Different ways of starting introductions    3. Tips on writing introductions  Unit 3  Describing the Investigation    1. Major components of describing the investigation    2. Tips on describing the investigation    3. Samples of research descriptions  Unit 4  Using Graphics    1. Purpose of using graphics    2. Major types of graphics    3. Samples of using graphics  Unit 5  Reporting Results and Discussion    1. Major components of reporting results    2. Writing the discussion of results    3. Writing the conclusionSECTION FOUR   WRITING A GRADUATION THESIS  Unit  1  Major Elements of a Graduation Thesis    1. Major purposes of a graduation thesis    2. Major types of a graduation thesis    3. Major components of a graduation thesis  Unit  2  Writing About Literature and Translation Studies    1. Choosing a topic and finding an approach    2. Tips on writing about literature    3. Tips on writing about translation studies  Unit 3  Writing About Linguistics and Language Teaching    1. Choosing a topic and finding an approach    2. Major topics of language studies    3. Major topics of language teaching  Unit 4  Constructing an Outline    1. Types of outlines    2. Formats of outlines    3. Organizing ideas and writing the outline  Unit  5  Drafting and Revising a Graduation Thesis    1. Structure and style of a graduation thesis    2. Macro-revision of content and organization    3. Micro-revision of language and mechanicsAppendix Ⅰ  Eye Contact in the ELT Classroom of Chinese EFL Students.Appendix Ⅱ  The Evasion Episode of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—A Reasonable EndingBibliography


  In recent years, writing has become more and more important in college education. Professor Li Funing from Peking University once made the remark, “Every course is a writing course”(1991). As an English major, in your first three years at college you have probably written many personal essays in English that presented your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. As you start your fourth year, you are facing a variety of writing tasks which become progressively more complex and demanding. Different from those types of writing you have learned, you are now going to learn how to write “academically”. Before we begin, it will be helpful to discuss what are the major types and features of academic writing.






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