
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:李观仪 编  页数:265  


《新编英语教程》(修订版)是供高等学校英语专业四年制本科生使用的综合英语教材,能帮助学生练好坚实的语言基本功,使他们的英语综合技能达到得心应手、运用自如的程度;使他们具有宽广的社会科学和自然科学方面的知识;使他们能灵活地进行有效的社会交际活动。  《新编英语教程》共分九级:  预备级——为学生提供最基本的英语语音、语法和词汇知识及其应用方法,是日后熟练掌握英语综合技能的奠基石。本级教材有学生用书、练习册、教师用书。  第1至4级——供基础阶段学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、MP3录音。  第5至6级——供高年级学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、MP3录音。  第7至8级——供高年级学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习参考答案。


  QUIRK. Well, A1, thats what Noah Webster3 thought of the future of English. Nowgranted, in terms of the speed4 at which languages change, theres notbeen a lot of timeyet for this to happen. All the same, it does seem to me that these words of Webster sarent even beginning to show signs of proving true, are they? After all, he wrote themaround 1800, and here we are a hundred and sixty-odd years later, chatting away quitehappily.  MARCKWARDT. Of course, Randolph; its only fair to say, though, that by 1828 1(Webster had revised his thinking on this point, when he said that in all essentials5 our twonations spoke the same language, and he added very significantly, I am sure youll agree,that it was highly desirable to perpetuate that sameness.  QUIRK. Yes indeed, and this has remained, of course, the aim of all responsiblecitizens in our two countries ever since. Yet we have found—— 1 have found at any rate6- 1that teachers in many parts of the world are really worried about these two varieties ofEnglish of ours and about which one they should be teaching. Have you met this?  MARCKWARDT. Oh yes, and its something I disapprove of. Its almost as if peoplewere taking seriously that old joke in My Fair Lady7 about Americans not having spokenEnglish for years.  QUIRK. Yes, but if you say you re speaking English why do some of your countrymendeny this and talk about "the American language"? That was the title of H.L. Mencken swell-known book, after all.  MARCKWARDT. Well, I dont think they deny it really. Remember that Menckengave his book the title The American Language in 1919. This was just after the First World 2War, a time when Americans were learning, probably for the first time on this massivescale, that there was variation between the English spoken in Britain and in the UnitedStates.



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