
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:李观仪 编  页数:169  字数:268000  




Unit One  Hit the Nail on the Head  The Maker's Eye: Revising Your Own ManuscriptsUnit Two  Beware the Dirty Seas  An Ugly New Footprint in the SandUnit Three  My Friend, Albert Einstein  The MonsterUnit Four  The Invisible Poor  Meanwhile, Humans Eat Pet FoodUnit Five  The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family, Part 1  The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family, Part 2Unit Six  Preparing for College  Letter to a B StudentUnit Seven  Grouping the Gifted: Pro  Grouping the Gifted: ConUnit Eight  Why Nothing Works  The Plot Against PeopleUnit Nine  Where Is the News Leading Us?  Should the Press Be Human?Unit Ten  Things: The Throw-Away Society  The Do-It-YourselfersUnit Eleven  Cultivating a Hobby  A Debt to DickensUnit Twelve  The Science of Custom  CustomsUnit Thirteen  What Life Means to Me, Part 1  Graduation, Part IUnit Fourteen  What Life Means to Me, Part 2  Graduation, Part lIUnit Fifteen  I Have a Dream  The Ethics of Living Jim Crow  Key to the Workbook


  Listening and hearing are very different things! Most people can hear quite well. Thiscannot be said of listening. Even when really trying to listen such as in a college class,most people "hear" only about half of what is being said. After a few hours, only one-fourth of what was heard can be recalled with any precision. That's only 25 percent ofwhat a person with the capacity for total recall could have remembered. But the capacity for total recall is something that most persons do not have, need, orparticularly want. All you need is a set of efficient listening techniques that will increaseyour listening understanding and increase your short-term and long-term recall. Withtraining and practice, your effectiveness as a listener can be significantly improved,whether you are listening as a member of a large audience, in a small group, or in aconversation with just one other person.  ……




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