
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:李观仪 编  页数:235  




Unit 1  TEXT Ⅰ    This Year It's Going to Be Different  TEXT Ⅱ    My Financial Career  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    On the DoorstepUnit 2  TEXT Ⅰ    A Englishes    B Stop Being Coy  TEXT Ⅱ    Two Languages or One?  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Laughter ——- A Language Everyone UnderstandsUnit 3  TEXT Ⅰ    Salvation  TEXT Ⅱ    The Rumor  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Kate and JancsiUnit 4  TEXT Ⅰ    Writing Between the Lines  TEXT Ⅱ    Handling the Knowledge Explosion  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    The Love LetterUnit 5  TEXT Ⅰ    Network Designer —— Tim Berners-Lee  TEXT Ⅱ    Angels on the Internet  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Robert Noyce: MicrochipUnit 6  TEXT Ⅰ    Predators, Parasites and Other Relationships  TEXT Ⅱ    Slaughter of the Elephants  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Trees That Tell StoriesUnit 7  TEXT Ⅰ    A Sunrise on the Veld  TEXT Ⅱ    Tiny Killers on the March  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    The Female MosquitoUnit 8  TEXT Ⅰ    Antarctica  TEXT Ⅱ    The Underworld  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Forty Seconds of TerrorUnit 9  TEXT Ⅰ    The Pearl  TEXT Ⅱ    Gold  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Kino Goes to the DoctorUnit 10  TEXT Ⅰ    From Composer to Interpreter to Listener  TEXT Ⅱ    The Jazz Scene  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Beethoven, A Great ComposerUnit 11  TEXT Ⅰ    A Friend in Need  TEXT Ⅱ    The Dinner Party  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    The Escaped LunaticUnit 12  TEXT Ⅰ    University Days  TEXT Ⅱ    The Aim of a University Education  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    EducationUnit 13  TEXT Ⅰ    Dolly's False Legacy  TEXT Ⅱ    The Biotech Century  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Seed of ControversyUnit 14  TEXT Ⅰ    Water, Water Everywhere  TEXT Ⅱ    A Near-Disaster in Space  ORAL WORK  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    The Space Program: Is It Worth It?Unit 15  TEXT Ⅰ    Gettysburg Addresses  TEXT Ⅱ    Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War  ORAL WORK  GUIDED WRITING  LISTENING COMPREHENSION    Benjamin Franklin( 1706 - 1790)A Sample TestAnswers and Tapescripts for the Sample TestKey to the Workbook


  Whether it is a tisy tee-hee-hee or a hearty ha-ha-ho, the sound of laughter has thesame meaning all around the world. When we see someone laughing, we want to laugh,too. Even if we dont know the persons language, we want to join in his or her laughter.Even though we dont know why he or she is laughing, we laugh a little to ourselves.  Laughter seems to, mean happiness. If we see little children laughing, our own heartsfeel a little bit lighter. Sometimes the quickest way to make friends is to share a laugh atsomething. Trying to communicate in a foreign language for the first time sometimes causeslaughter. A native speaker might laugh when we pronounce a word wrong or make agrammatical mistake, but this is not because we are foolish. A native speaker laughs becausewhat we said sounded funny. When a wise person makes a mistake, he or she can laugh athimself or herself. Unless we can laugh at ourselves, we may seem foolish or boring toothers.  Why do we laugh? What makes something funny? Is the following incident humorous toyou?  An American, a Frenchman, and an Englishwoman were in a taxi in Mexico City. Thethree tourists were admiring the buildings in the city when the American, who was veryproud of the tall buildings in New York, boasted to his two friends, "Did you know that theEmpire State Building was built in only two months?"




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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   光盘什么的都比较好,嗯,总体不错
  •   是想买的书,可是书不是很新,边边上都有些泛黄,不过不影响使用就算了吧,希望以后多多注意书籍的保管,顾客肯定还是想要新新的哦
  •   自考的书~正需要哈
  •   书上内容很符合自己想要的··
  •   不是自己要买的书
  •   根据老师介绍买了 很不错吧
  •   教材,没错
  •   刚看到的书,应该是正版的,后附电子教案,值得拥有。
  •   还没看,冲着口碑买的
  •   质量不错 应该是正版的 跟我的课本是配套的
  •   本以为教师用书里也有课文 但是没有 还要买学生用书 但这本书还行吧 有答案
  •   李观仪主编的的教师用书相当于学生用书课本的答案,没有对课文知识点的详细的讲解.....不过,还算可以了..
  •   不适合学生使用 。
  •   還好,就是價格有點貴,而且等了一個星期才收到。運輸太慢了。

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