
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:李观仪 编  页数:271  




Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 16
Unit 17
Unit 18


  There is no doubt that many scientific and technological developments will have taken place by the time the writers of the 2030s sit down to look forward another years to speculate on life in the 2080s.By that time,perhaps cars will be running on hydregen taken from the ocean.Perhaps we will all be liv-ing in automatically controlled homes,and carrying portable telelphones with US wherever we go.Perhaps the world’S energy crisis will have become history,with the successful application of nuclear fusion.Most probably we will be entertained by three-dimensional television,and we will all be living for one hundr~and twenty years.Other,yet unimagined,changes may lie beyond the horizon awaiting to take US all by surprise.Whatever form these changes take.the face of life in the future will certainly be significandy di自ferent.  Yet,speaking as one who has the advantage of being able to look back more than fifty years,I look forward to the future with confidence,because,in spite of all the changes,I predict that human beings will still be able to exercise choice in deciding how to rdn their lives.  Looking back fifty years,we can see enormous changes.In the 1930s there were many people in the world who had never seen a car or listened to a radio.A television set Was still a technological dream.The moon was untroubled by man and his missiles,and its back was,still an unseen mystery.Nuclear re-actions existed only in theoretical physics,and to fly the Atlantic from one continent to another Was an adventure experienced by few.However,if we were suddenly transported back in time fifty years,I doubt if we would have any great problems settling into the pattern of the everyday life of the 1930s.  Similarly,it seems to me that fifty years from now people will choose to keep the principles and val-ues that they have always believed in.New inventions in the future may change the pattern of life,but the human mind that guides it will not alter.   ……



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