出版时间:2009-8 出版社:上海外教 作者:李观仪 页数:224
《新编英语教程》第七、八册供高等学校(四年制)英语专业四年级学生使用。其目的主要是培养阅读技能,兼顾语言基本功的进÷步训练和英语综合技能的进一步培养,使学生在学完本教材后,在英语知识和技能方面能够达到高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲所提出的要求。本教程的编写原则列举如下: 1.采用启发式教学模式,引导学生独立工作、独立思考,培养学生的逻辑思维能力。 本教材在教学的不同环节,启发学生进行不同的活动,务必使学生不仅能独立工作,而且能进行逻辑思维,善于独立思考。例如,在课文前有课前思考题、查工具书等活动。课文后的理解题除了针对大意、细节的提问外,更有推理性问题,启迪学生深入思考。在篇章结构、修辞手段等方面,除了给以一定的基础知识外,要求学生自行解释分析。 2.选材范围广泛,以扩大学生的文化知识面并使学生熟稔不同的文体。 本教程课文大部分选自当代文选,也有若干篇选自现代经典著作。文字精练,语言典范。选材题材广泛,诸如语言、文学、哲学、教育、社会、文化等都占有一定篇幅。选材体裁多样,除了不同类型的说明文外,还有记叙文、描写文、论说文等。通过学习这些课文,学生将对现代英语的不同侧面、西方社会和文化等方面加深认识。课文力求富有知识性、趣味性,和修辞文体美。学生能在扩大知识面的同时习得优美的语言。 3.编写大量语言练习,以巩固和扩大学生的语言知识,继续打好语言基本功。 本教材首先是阅读教材,但也不忽视语言基本功的训练。进一步加强基本功训练有利于学生阅读技能的提高。为此在每课课文后编有大量加强语言基本功的练习。例如阅读理解、词句释意、改正错误等。通过这些练习,学生不仅能提高阅读理解,而且能增强语感,正确运用英语。 4.编写不同类型的练习,以培养英语综合技能。 综合技能训练在高年级要继续加强,不断提高,但并不是基础阶段综合技能训练的重复。本教材对阅读理解、篇章结构、文体修辞各方面有数量不等的不同练习。这些练习在课堂上可以进行讨论,以收听说训练之效。每单元都有写短文的练习,可以训练学生写作能力。而阅读技能更是重点训练项目。在高年级阶段,听说读写四会能力不能再割裂开来作为单项技能训练,因为它们之间相互配合、相互关联、相互影响。口头讨论要有阅读的基础,但又能加深阅读理解,提高写作水平。写的能力来自于阅读,也有助于口语能力的提高。阅读为学生提供语言素材,是高年级语言学习的源泉。因而四会训练虽然分别进行,但实质上是综合语言技能训练的一个统一体。 5.在有限的篇幅中,给以较大的语言输入量,以保证学生有充分的语言摄入量。
《新编英语教程》(修订版)是供高等学校英语专业四年制本科生使用的综合英语教材,能帮助学生练好坚实的语言基本功,使他们的英语综合技能达到得心应手、运用自如的程度;使他们具有宽广的社会科学和自然科学方面的知识;使他们能灵活地进行有效的社会交际活动。 本教材共分九级: ·预备级——为学生提供最基本的英语语音、语法和词汇知识及其应用方法,是日后熟练掌握英语综合技能的奠基石。本级教材有学生用书、练习册、教师用书。 ·第1至4级——供基础阶段学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、MP3录音。 ·第5至6级——供高年级学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、MP3录音。 ·第7至8级——供高年级学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习参考答案。
Unit One TEXT Ⅰ Happiness TEXT Ⅱ Stripping Down to Bare HappinessUnit Two TEXT Ⅰ The American Dilemma TEXT Ⅱ American IndividualismUnit Three TEXT Ⅰ Violence as an American Tradition TEXT Ⅱ A Mirror to ManUnit Four TEXT Ⅰ Night Walker TEXT Ⅱ Visible ManUnit Five TEXT Ⅰ "I Have Here in My Hand..." TEXT Ⅱ Beep BeepUnit Six TEXT Ⅰ The Iks TEXT Ⅱ Shooting an ElephantUnit Seven TEXT Ⅰ A Modest Proposal, Part One TEXT Ⅱ A Modest Proposal, Part TwoUnit Eight TEXT Ⅰ The New Science TEXT Ⅱ Evolution of the Knowledge WorkerUnit Nine TEXT Ⅰ Birth of a Forsyte TEXT Ⅱ The Resident Meets His AssistantUnit Ten TEXT Ⅰ My Wood TEXT Ⅱ Depth on the SurfaceREFERENCES
Called voluntary simplicity was the birth of their daughter and a powerful desire to raise her themselves. Neither one of them, it turned out, was willing to restrict what they considered their "real life" into the brief time before work and the tired hours afterward. "A lot of people think that as they have children and things get more expensive, the only answer is to work harder in order to earn more money. Its not the only answer," insists Michael. The couples decision was to trade two full-time careers for two half-time careers, and to curtail consumption. They decided to spend their money only on things that contributed to their major goal, the construction of a world where family and friendship, work and play, were all of a piece, a world, moreover, which did not make wasteful use of the earths resources. Today, they live in the same suburban community in a handsome, energy-efficient home they designed themselves. Small by most standards, it is easy to clean, furnish, maintain and heat. The first floor, one large room, has a kitchen area along one wall, a birch table and chairs for dining, a living area defined by a comfortable couch and a wood stove, and a corner work area. Upstairs is a childs bedroom, topped by a loft5 which is the master bedroom, an office that serves them both, and a bathroom. It is bright and light and in harmony with its surroundings. Soon there will be a solar greenhouse outside the front door. How can a couple with two part-time freelance jobs6 afford to build their own home, own a car, and share a small boat with another couple all without a loan7 How can they maintain a high standard of living that provides "everything" they want? What is it they have given up that they do not miss?