出版时间:2008-8 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:李观仪 编 页数:98
《新编英语教程》第五、六册自初版以来将近九年。我们认为这两册教材的一个不足之处是:它们虽是同教程预备级和第一至四册的继续,但内容远远不如后者完备。后者每册由学生用书、练习册和教师用书共三本组成一套,而第五、六册仅各有学生用书和练习参考答案共两本。有鉴于此,我们对第五、六册作了较大幅度的补充、修订,以期与预备级和第一至四册取得一致,其修订版也各由学生用书、练习册和教师用书等三本组成一套。修订重点如下: 一、学生用书。 1.少数课文作了删换。 2.课文I、Ⅱ的注释和课文I的篇章结构部分作了较大的补充。课文工的文体分析部分作了一定的调整。 3.新增段落写作部分(第五册)和文章写作部分(第六册)。 4.新增听说练习部分。针对不同题材的听力材料提问并要求讨论。 二、新增练习册,由下列各部分组成。 1.针对课文I内容和语言的练习。有内容提问、句子释义、单句汉译英和写作等四种练习。 2.课文Ⅱ新增各种形式的练习。 3.新增课文Ⅲ,是全新的内容。由一篇形式各样的课文和配套练习组成。第五册课文Ⅲ选自百科全书和杂志,内容大多数结合课文工、Ⅱ的题材。第六册采用商业书信等材料。 4.语言综合练习。大部分来自原来的学生用书。 三、新增教师用书。共分两部分。 1.第一部分保留了原在练习参考答案中针对课文I、Ⅱ的部分练习答案。新增课文工语言点的补充注释和用法举例。新增听说练习的录音书面材料。 2.练习册中练习的答案。 我们希望《新编英语教程》第五、六册能更好地为高校英语专业高年级教学服务。
《新编英语教程》(修订版)是供高等学校英语专业四年制本科生使用的综合英语教材,能帮助学生练好坚实的语言基本功,使他们的英语综合技能达到得心应手、运用自如的程度;使他们具有宽广的社会科学和自然科学方面的知识;使他们能灵活地进行有效的社会交际活动。 《新编英语教程》共分九级: 预备级——为学生提供最基本的英语语音、语法和词汇知识及其应用方法,是日后熟练 掌握英语综合技能的奠基石。本级教材有学生用书、练习册、教师用书。 第1至4级——供基础阶段学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、MP3录音。 第5至6级——供高年级学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、MP3录音。 第7至8级——供高年级学生使用,每级都有学生用书、练习参考答案。
Unit One TEXT I Two Words to Avoid, Two to Remember TEXT II The Romance of WordsUnit Two TEXT I The Fine Art of Putting Things Off TEXT II GossipUnit Three TEXT I Walls and Barriers TEXT II Barrier SignalsUnit Four TEXT I The Lady, or the Tiger? Part I TEXT II The Princess and the Tin BoxUnit Five TEXT I The Lady, or the Tiger? Part II TEXT II Mrs. Packletide's TigerUnit Six TEXT I Dull Work TEXT II Doing ChoresUnit Seven TEXT I Beauty TEXT II Sexism in English: A Feminist ViewUnit Eight TEXT I Appetite TEXT II Wanting an OrangeUnit Nine TEXT I A Red Light for Scofflaws TEXT II TrustUnit Ten TEXT I Straight-A Illiteracy TEXT II The Qualities of Good WritingUnit Eleven TEXT I On Consigning Manuscripts to Floppy Discs and Archives to Oblivion TEXT II This Is Progress?Unit Twelve TEXT I Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts TEXT II Grant and LeeUnit Thirteen TEXT I Euphemism TEXT II ClutterUnit Fourteen TEXT I That Astounding Creator--Nature TEXT II When the Young Have It GoodUnit Fifteen TEXT I Teaching as Mountaineering TEXT II A Liberal EducationReferences
Normally, when an expository writer chooses a subject to write about, he is choosing a subject to define. "Appetite", in an average dictionary, is defined as "natural desire for satisfying some want or need, esp. for food" which provides a very general explanation of the Word. But Lee in this passage would rather define it as "one of the major pleasures in life", "the keenness of living", "any condition of unsatisfied desire, any burning in theblood ... ", etc. As can be readily seen in "Appetite", to construct a definition over and above the dictionary one is .evidently not his major concern. By interpreting what "appetite" means to him, Lee actually is seeking to explain to his reader a relatively more abstract idea, a subject, a look at how to keep away from boredom in life. This explanation proves effective in that Lee has successfully utilized an approach revolving around definition which allows a complicated concept or even an abstraction to be looked at concretely instead of abstractly, thus helping to make it easier to comprehend. Appetite is more often than not associated with the want for food, a feeling everyone has experienced and finds it easy to bring back to mind as to what it is like. In defining "appetite", however, Lee obviously intends to focus on desire in a broader sense. To make what he has ,in mind more comprehensible, the author frequently switches from one concept to the other so that the reader is given a chance to walk back and forth between the concrete and the abstract. Comparison is, therefore, one of a number of ways to approach definition.