
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:施心远 编  页数:189  字数:341000  


普通高等教育“十五"国家级规划教材  培养高素质、复合型外语创新人才 理念新颖  人文、科学知识融入教材 特色明显  覆盖知识、技能、文化等科目,总数超过150种 体系完备  全国30余所著名高校百余位英语教育专家参加编写 阵容强大   “新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材”的编写和出版,不仅能满足21世纪英语人才培养的需要,其前瞻性、先进性和创新性也将为外语乃至其他学科教材的编写开辟一条新的思路,拓展一片新的视野。


UNIT 1 Part 1 Phonetics--Stress, Intonation and Accent Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Driving Carefully Part 1 Dialogues  Dialogue 1 Making Arrangements  Dialogue 2 Fast Food Survey Part 2 Passages  Passage 1 Snack  Passage 2 Tips to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Part 3 News  News Item 1  News Item 2  News Item 3 Retelling World Sight DayUNIT2 Part 1 Phonetics--Stress, Intonation and Accent Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Ralph Nader Part 1 Dialogues  Dialogue I Give Them Time to Get to Know You  Dialogue 2 Gestures Part 2 Passages  Passage 1 Why Shouldn't You Go By First Impressions?  Passage 2 Communication Part 3 News  News Item 1  News Item 2  News Item 3 Retelling College Costs in the U.S.UNIT 3 Part 1 Phonetics--Stress, Intonation and Accent Part 2 Listening and Note-taking A Territory Part 1 Dialogues  Dialogue 1 Credit Card  Dialogue 2 Card Insurances Part 2 Passages  Passage 1 Credit Cards  Passage 2 Your Legal Rights at the Sales Part 3 News  News Item 1  News Item 2  News Item 3 Retelling Parent-Teacher AssociationsUNIT 4 Part 1 Phonetics--Stress, Intonation and Accent. Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Frog Legs Part 1 Dialogues  Dialogue 1 Health Club  Dialogue 2 Skiing Part 2 Passages  Passage 1 Fatigue  Passage 2 The Truth about the French! Part 3 News  News Item 1  News Item 2  News Item 3  Retelling Babies and IntelligenceUNIT 5UNIT 6UNIT 7UNIT 8




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