
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:王恩铭 编  页数:370  




新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版)旨在打造完整的英语专业学科体系,全面促进学生的语言技能、学科素养和创新能力的培养,必将为我国培养国际化、创新型、高素质的英语专业人才奠定坚实的基础!    按照《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》提出的培养目标、课程设置、教学要求和教学原则精心设计,凝聚海内外英语专业教育界专家学者的智慧,反映英语专业教育、科研的最新成果。    基于广泛的市场调研、详尽的需求分析和严谨的科学判断,梳理现有教程,优化教材结构,更新教学方法和手段,强化学生综合能力的培养。    专业技能、专业知识、相关专业知识的完美匹配,帮助学生打下扎实的语言基本功,增强其分析问题、解决问题的能力,提高专业素质和人文素养,使学生真正成为国际化、创新型、高素质的英语专业人才。


Part One  The  United Kingdom  Unit One  The Country  Unit Two  The People  Unit Three  History  Unit Four  Government and Politics  Unit Five  Judiciary  Unit Six  Economy  Unit Seven  Social Services  Unit Eight  Religion  Unit Nine  Education  Unit Ten  Way of LifePart Two  The  United States of America  Unit One  The Country  Unit Two  History  Unit Three  The American Identity  Unit Four  Political Institutions  Unit Five  Economy  Unit Six  Social Services  Unit Seven  The Legal System  Unit Eight  Education  Unit Nine  Religion in American Life  Unit Ten  Private Life in AmericaPart Three  Canada  Unit One  The Land and the People  Unit Two  History  Unit Three  Economy  Unit Four  Political Institutions  Unit Five  Social and Cultural LifePart Four  Australia  Unit One  The Land and the People  Unit Two  History  Unit Three  Economy  Unit Four  Government and Politics  Unit Five  Social and Cultural LifePart Five  New Zealand  Unit One  The Land and the People  Unit Two  History and the Present  Unit Three  Political System and Economy


  Civil courts  Civil courts deal with cases concerning a range of money, property,contracts, and family matters. In England and Wales, about 90 per cent of civil cases are heard in county courts before a single judge, with a few minor civil cases heard in magistrates courts. There are about 300 county courts in England and Wales in 250 districts. Above the county courts is the High Court,which hears more complicated civil cases. High Court cases are sent to one of three divisions: the Family Division, which handles complex divorce cases,adoptions, and matters relating to children; the Chancery Division, which handles business matters and estate cases; or the Queens Bench Division,which handles property matters and torts, as well as maritime and commercial cases. Appeals are heard by the Court of Appeals for the Civil Division, and ultimately by the House of Lords.  In Scotland, most civil actions are dealt with in the sheriffs court with some exceptions in the higher Court of Session. In Northern Ireland, most civil cases are handled in the High Court.  The House of Lords  As afore-mentioned, the House of Lords is the final point of appeal for most legal cases, civil or criminal, in England and Wales. All appeals to the House of Lords are about the meaning of the law, rather than the evidence in a case. The Appellate Committee of the House of Lords receives appeals from the courts in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and in civil cases from Scotland. The Lord Chancellor and up to five Law Lords hear the case and make their decisions on the basis of the current state of the law.  The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 created a new Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, which takes over the Supreme Court of Judicature and serves as the highest court of appeal from the courts of England and Wales and of Northern Ireland and (except in criminal matters) from the courts of Scotland.To avoid confusion, the Supreme Court of Judicature then becomes known as the Senior Courts of England and Wales.




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用户评论 (总计27条)


  •   英语专业本科生首选概况用书。
  •   上一年学校还用着这一本,就照着买了,感觉难度挺大的!!!
  •   学校要用,别处都断货,谢谢当当!~
  •   一口气买了几本,书的质量很好,无论是纸质还是字体都没得说。
  •   正版书,喜欢…
  •   书的印刷和纸质都挺好的
  •   最新版,很实用!
  •   书非常好。实惠
  •   这种类型的书都很枯燥的,但这本还好,觉得挺容易读懂的。
  •   经用。
  •   这本书对英语国家的介绍都很详尽,要是那些专有名词有中文解释就更加好了
  •   主要缺陷是全英文,英语底子好的可以学学!
  •   书很不错,是正版的,我是一个与专业的,我们学校就是用这个版本的
  •   我买来是当教材用的 老师强力 推荐 很有实效性 我们学校就是用的这个 就是价格有点高 忘记打几折了 不过比官网买便宜 官网是原价
  •   不过就是不实用,学不了什么东西
  •   书的质量挺好的,正版。支持
  •   上课需要~~这本书不错的..
  •   书很新,还不错!!
  •   书不错,简洁易懂,很适合我短时间内的学习。满意
  •   上课规定买的,内容还好吧,全英文的,但感觉还是有些废话。
  •   向来都是在当当上买教参,省事省力省钱。很不错的选择
  •   书还不错 就是物流太慢
  •   我觉得这本书挺不错的
  •   如题,书还是可以,送的时间因为是春节期间,有点久~~~~~~~
  •   挺厚的书 内容丰富 平时这个课没有教材正好可以用
  •   翻开书不知从哪儿看起,因为页面排得太乱。
  •   优点:每章都专门归纳了的名词解释,还有问答题,以及论文可能涉及的论题。

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