
出版时间:2008-8-1  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:佩尔森 (Person.L.S.),朱振武,导读  页数:144  






作者:(美国)佩尔森 (Person.L.S.)


A note on the textsPrefaceChapter 1 Hawthorne's lifeChapter 2 Hawthorne's contexts Puritanism Transcendentalism Feminism and scribbling women Race, slavery, and abolition Nineteenth-century manhoodChapter 3 Hawthorne's short fiction “Alice Doane's Appeal” “Roger Malvin's Burial” “The Gentle Boy” “Young Goodman Brown” “The May-Pole of Merry Mount” “Endicott and the Red Cross” “The Minister's Black Veil” “Wakefield” “My Kinsman, Major Molineux” “Monsieur du Miroir” “The New Adam and Eve” “The Birth-mark“ “The Artist of the Beautiful” “Rappaccini's Daughter” “Drowne's Wooden Image”Chapter 4 Hawthorne's novels The Scarlet Letter The House of the Seven Gables The Blithedale Romance The Marble FaunChapter 5 Hawthorne's critics Biography CriticismNotesGuide to further readingIndex


Despite Hawthorne's reputation as a romancer who preferred to create a "neu- tral territory, somewhere between the real world and fairy-land" (1: 36) and seemed intent upon liberating his tales and novels from the everyday world, he paid careful attention to historical settings for most of his literary works. He conducted his research, often reading extensively in historical sources, but he routinely changed facts to suit his imaginative purpose. He often sought historical distance as a way of dealing with volatile contemporary issues, such as slavery or women's rights. Regardless of a work's situation in history, how- ever, readers must deal with a tension between historical moments. The Scarlet Letter offers the best case in point. Set in Puritan Boston between 1642 and 1649 (the years of the English Civil War), the novel owes a great deal to seventeenth- century sources, but the most interesting recent research has emphasized the book's treatment of nineteenth-century issues. A key challenge for readers often means figuring out how Hawthorne's use of early history helps him deal with more contemporary matters.Puritanism and the history of early Massachusetts settlements- Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Salem - form one important context in which to under- stand Hawthorne's writing. Hawthorne read widely in seventeenth-century history, both English and American. Scholars such as Charles Ryskamp and Michael Colacurcio have meticulously connected characters and events in The Scarlet Letter and other works to the New England historical record.1 The]ournal of John Winthrop and Winthrop's The History of New England from 1630 to 1649 (1825-26), Caleb H. Snow's A tlistory of Boston (1825), and Joseph Felt's The Annals of Salem from Its First Settlement (1827) represent especially important sources from which Hawthorne took background information. He also drew upon aspects of his personal history. In both "Young Goodman Brown" and The Scarlet Letter, he refers to his earliest American ancestors.






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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   好,深入浅出,是一本关于霍桑的好作品
  •   是个很好的书.印刷质量也很好.清楚明了.正如书中所写,通俗易懂,适合英语专业的老师和学生看.对我非常有益/非常提高个人的专业知识水平.不过还是觉得有点小贵.....虽然打折了
  •   个人感觉书中对每部作品的分析角度都还比较传统,角度单一。
  •   只有144页,原以会挺厚实,是全英文的
  •   寫學年論文的用書,可是對於學中文的人而言,英語書看得好痛苦..
  •   对霍桑的研究也算比较详细了,也比较权威。对论文写作也有一定得帮助

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