
出版时间:2008-10  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:唐慧心 主编  页数:198  


  《英语泛读新教程教师用书》是《英语泛读新教程》的配套用书,本书的编写旨在方便从事英语专业泛读教学的教师们,同时也供学生自学时参考。本书为每一单元提供了相关的背景知识、与课文内容相关的信息以及课后练习的参考答案,使教师在备课过程中可节约一定的时间和精力,并引导学生更深刻地理解课文。   《英语泛读新教程教师用书》共16个单元,按《英语泛读新教程》的课文顺序编写和排列。  教师在具体的授课过程中可机动选择、灵活运用。教师在布置预习任务时,可要求学生利用图书馆和因特网等资源去查阅“背景知识”和“补充信息”部分的相关内容,以此扩大学生的知识面和阅读量,培养良好的读书习惯和自学能力。练习部分既可由教师在课堂上进行口头检查,也可指定为学生阅读赛程中的笔头作业。


Unit 1  Dudley DementedUnit 2  How's Your Mother?Unit 3  The Umpire's SonsUnit 4  Part One Why Did Truman Drop the Bomb? Part Two Who Killed JFK?Unit 5  The Katrina ExperienceUnit 6  The Witness for the ProsecutionUnit 7  All the Troubles of the WorldUnit 8  Another Kind of GraceUnit 9  John D. Rockefeller and the Modern CorporationUnit 10  Part One The Egg Part Two “The 5:22”Unit 11  Pygmalion ACT Ⅱ (Ⅰ)Unit 12  Pygmalion ACT Ⅱ (Ⅱ)Unit 13  “We Wanted Those Wings”Unit 14  Grady's GiftUnit 15  The Mystery of the Crystal SkullsUnit 16  In the Gloaming


  Dumbledore: Professor Albus Dumbledore is a wise and powerful wizard, headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. where witches and wizards like Harry and his friends learn their craft, and he is also Harrys supporter.  Mrs. Figg: The following chapters of Harry, Potter and the Order of Phoenix will reveal that Mrs.Figg is not a Muggle, but actually a squib (someone that has no magical powers even though he or she was born into a wizarding family). Thats why she often invites Harry to tea.  Mundungus Fletcher: A new character who, as later chapters reveal, is supposed to protect Harry Potter during his stay in Privet Drive. But he happens to be out when the accident as described in the extracted chapter happens.


  教师用书:  专门为英语专业本科低年级学生编写,选材精当,编排科学。  选用经典名著和21世纪最新作品,经典性和时代性兼顾。  涵盖政治、军事、历史、文化、文学、天文、地理等领域,有助于学生了解英语国家的方方面面。  文章篇幅适中,难易适度,练习设计新颖,突出阅读理解能力的培养。  文章后附推荐书目,为学生提供更多的阅读选择。




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  •   用来校对答案的,挺详细
  •   还行吧 教参
  •   书的编排不好
  •   这本书就是教师用书?也太言简意赅了吧!学生参考书也比这个好!想买的人请慎重!

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