出版时间:2008-9 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:诺兰 页数:318
AcknowledgmentsIntroduction: Frequently Asked Questions1 Speaking2 Preparation/Anticipating the Speaker3 Complex Syntax/Compression4 Word Order/Clusters5 General Adverbial Clauses6 Untranslatability7 Figures of Speech8 Argumentation9 Diction/Register10 Formal Style11 A Policy Address12 Quotations/Allusions/Transposition13 Political Discourse14 Economic Discourse15 Humor16 Latinisms17 Numbers18 Note-takingBibliography
Consistently good performance in conference interpreting depends on sustained mental alertness. An interpreter must maintain attention and concentration through many hours of meetings and absorb the contents of lengthy discussions on many subjects. This means keeping fit, notably by getting enough sleep and following good habits of nutrition and exercise. An interpreter must also adopt an attitude of intellectual modesty and willingness to learn, keeping up with changes in his or her languages as well as current events and the related jargon. Interpreters must be able to understand and clearly state a wide range of possible ideas and arguments representing different sides of any issue, even arguments which may seem implausible, or with which they may strongly disagree. Gaining familiarity with the subject matter to be discussed at an upcoming assignment is important, and attending a meeting in advance will be especially helpful to get a grasp of procedural rules and terms. Careful observation of speakers gestures and demeanor, as well as the reactions of listeners, will provide additional clues to the intent behind the words. Knowing the specific themes of a conference in advance and obtaining a copy of the agenda, background documents, list of speakers, and any prepared speeches available can also be very helpful. Many speakers prepare their speeches well in advance of delivery and will gladly give or send a copy to an interpreter who takes the trouble to ask for it. Copies of formal speeches and policy statements by public officials can often be readily obtained from their offices or looked up on their Internet web sites. Sometimes a translation of the speech to be delivered will also be made available by the speaker or his institution (known among interpreters as "a Van Doren) and can be read out by the interpreter if the translation is of good quality.