
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:虞苏美,李慧琴 主编,关肇远 等编  


《大学英语》系列教材的再修订,以《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》为依据,历经三年调研,汲取全国百所高校师生的建议和意见,旨在发扬我国大学英语教学的优良传统,推广成功经验,为新时期人才培养再作贡献。    融合传统与现代教学理念:强调打好扎实语言基本功,突出综合应用能力的提高;    发挥综合优势,完善原有体系:大幅度、全方位修订《精读》、《泛读》、《听力》、预备级《泛读》、预备级《听力》,重编《快读阅读》、预备级《精读》,删繁就简《语法与练习》;     调整起点,充实优化素材:1800词起点(预备级1300词);选材全面完备,经典性与现代性、文学性与科普性完美匹配;    革新练习,五种技能并重:阅读材料丰富多彩,听力训练形式多样,词汇练习注重复现,语法操练循序渐进,翻译训练实用全面,口语活动精彩纷呈,写作训练由浅入深,四、六级口、笔试中学生常犯的语言错误讲解分析精辟实用;    辅以现代教育技术手段,充分满足教学需要:同步推出与纸质教材配套的电子教案和学生学习光盘,帮助教师构建新型的课堂教学模式,为学生创造自主式、交互式的学习环境。


UNIT 1 An Investigation  PART A Listening Activities    A Conversation  A Good Observer  PART B Speaking Activities    Pair Work  PART C Listen and Relax    A Poem  PART D Further Listening    A Story    A Real Life Story    A Conversation  Solving a Crime  PART E Home Listening    Conversation l Dealing with a Cr/me    Conversation 2  Reporting an IncidentUNIT 2 Sightseeing  PART A Listening Activities    A Monologue  A Tour of Washington D.C  PART B Speaking Activities    1.Pair Work    2.Communicative Function:Describing Places  PART C Listen and Relax    A Song  PART D Further Listening    Passage 1 The Library of Congress    Passage 2 The Statue ofLiberty  PART E Home Listening    Passage 1 Midnight Ride    Passage 2 Moscow—the Most Expensive City in the WorldUNIT 3 An Inquiry     PART A Listening Activities    A Conversation  Job Application  PART B Speaking Activities    Pair Work  PART C Listen and Relax    Jokes  PART D Further Listening    A Passage A Career Counseling Office    A Conversation  I Sure Hope That I Can Work Here  PART E Home Listening    Conversation 1  A Job Interview    Conversation 2  A SurveyUNIT 4 Health  PART A Listening Activities    A Forum  Mercy Killing  PART B S peaking Activities    1. Pair Work    2. Communicative Function: Talking Abou Health and Health-related Issues  PART C Listen and Relax    Epigrams  PART D Further Listening    A Passage  Organ Transplants    A Conversation  Bird Flu Outbreak in Hong Kong  PART E Home Listening    Passage 1 Health Issues in Our Century    Passage 2 Valuable Tips in Hair CareUNIT 5 Viewpoint  PART A Listening Activities    A Passage Tipping  PART B Speaking Activities    Pair Work  PART C Listen and Relax  ……UNIT 6 CultureUNIT 7 Non-ethical ExperimentsUNIT 8 Social ProblemsUNIT 9 Use of TechnologyUNIT 10 LuckTEST1TEST2APPENDIX Home Listening:Tapescripts & Key to the Exercises



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