
出版时间:2008-5-1  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:基灵兹华斯  页数:139  




本系列旨在为学生引荐英美文学名家,内容亲和,语言生动,对有意提高西方文学素养的读者很有吸引力。 沃尔特·惠特曼是19世纪最具创新精神和最具影响力的美国诗人之一。此书以他的传世之作《草叶集》为中心,为研究惠特曼提供了基础。除了对惠特曼的主要作品作深入研究,书中还涉及惠特曼的生平、其所处时代的历史和文化以及评论家对其作品的批评。这些使我们对惠特曼本人及其如何成为美国文学界核心人物有了全面的了解。




PrefaceChapter 1 Life Youth and literary apprenticeship (1819-1850) The emergence of the poet (1851-1860) The war and its aftermath (1861-1873) The period of reflection and decline(1873-1892)Chapter 2 Historical and cultural contexts Democracy The body The land The cultureChapter 3 Poetry before the Civil War 1855: "Song of Myself" Other poems dating from the 1855 Leaves of Grass 1856: poems of sexuality and the body 1856: poems of the earth 1856: "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" 1860: Sea-Drift poems 1860: gendered clusters -"Children of Adam" and "Calamus"Chapter 4 Poetry after the Civil War Elegiac poems The emergence of the image Minor poetic modesChapter 5 Prose works The 1855 preface Democratic Vistas Specimen DaysChapter 6 Critical reception The first fifty years, 1855-1905 1905-1955 1955-2005 Notes Further reading Index


The central event of Walt Whitman's life, literally and figuratively, was the publication of Leaves of Grass. The first edition appeared in 1855, when the poet was thirty-six years old. For the rest of his life, roughly thirty-six more years, he would revise and expand the book through six more editions, his work culminating in the Deathbed Edition of 1891-92. Whitman identified himself completely with Leaves of Grass. In the poem "So Long" at the end of the third (1860) edition, he says, "this is no book / Who touches this touches aman."1Whitman also identified strongly with US history and the American people. What Whitman called his "language experiment" paralleled the experiment of democracy in the new world, as he saw it.2 His book appeared first in the troubled years leading up to the Civil War. When war erupted in 1861, his life and his work were deeply altered.This chapter focuses on the close connection between Whitman's life and his writings. In briefly acknowledging the currents of history that touched Whitman most directly - the momentous effects of modernization in every-thing from the mass media and democratic politics to gender roles and war - it anticipates Chapter 2, which covers the main historical contexts. The chapter is divided into four parts: youth and literary apprenticeship (1819-50), the emergence of the poet (1851-60), the war and its aftermath (1861-73), and the period of reflection and decline (1873-92). Each part is keyed to different stages in Whitman's literary work and marked by shifts of emphasis in his poetic theories and practices occasioned by personal and historical change.






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