出版时间:2008-5 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:Keith Brown 页数:全14册
编者:(英国)布朗 (Brown.k.)
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one of the central problems of structuralism, perhapseven its most central one. Greimas then had to postulate the existence of asemantic universe that was defined as the set ofthe systems of values that can be apprehended asmeaningful only if it is articulated or narrativized.Thus, any discourse was said to presuppose a seman-tic universe hypothetically made up of the totality ofsignifications, postulated as such prior to its articula-tion, and which it actualizes in part. This he called amicrosemantic universe that at the fundamental levelarticulates elementary axiological structures, such aslife/death (individual universe) and nature/culture(collective universe). Situated at the deep semanticlevel, these basic structures were considered to be adhoc universals that serve as starting points for theanalysis of semantic universes, be they individual orcollective. Their meaning is never apprehensible assuch but, rather, only when they are manifested inthe form of an articulated signification or, in otherwords, when they are converted into actantial struc-tures. Petitot-Cocorda (1985: 50-51) clearly per-ceived the theoretical import of Greimas's semioticswhen he situated the actantial and semionarrativestructures within an anthropological framework. Forhim, the deep semantic categories were considered tobe universals of the imaginary even though indivi-duals were thought not to be conscious of them, asthey exist only because they are both invested withvalues and ideologically invested in objects of value,whose quest governs the actions (actantial and narra-tive programs) of the subject actants. The deep se-mantic categories can be apprehended only throughthe circulation of object-values governed by actantialsyntax. They cannot be subjectivized in themselvesbut only by means of a logic of actions. He notedthat the role of actantial syntax is to convert thefundamental semantics that constitute the messageinto narrative and to determine its anthropologi-cal function. Finally, it is through this actantial andsemionarrative syntax that one can grasp, through thesimulacrum of the 'scene' that dramatizes them, theunconscious processes leading to subjectivity. In 'The interaction of semiotic onstraints'(Greimas and Rastier, 1987), Greimas suggested thepossibility of a generative trajectory, beginning with afundamental semiotic level that was then convertedinto an actantial syntax before ultimately being mani-fested through discourse, but focused especially onthe first domain of the global trajectory. The mainobject of the theory of the semiotic square at thefundamental semiotic level was to articulate the sub-stance of the content and thereby constitute theform of content. This elementary structure shouldbe considered both as a concept uniting the minimalconditions for the apprehension and/or the produc-tion of signification and as a model containing theminimal definition of any language (or, more general-ly, of any semiotic system or process) and of anysemiotic unit. The elementary structure appeared asa complex binary semic category that correlates twocontrary semes by means of a relation of junction(conjunction/disjunction) and by a relation of recip-rocal presupposition, prior to any semantic invest-ment whatsoever. Petitot-Cocordat (1985: 51-52)argued that the constituent relations of contrarietyand contradiction of the semiotic square are not logical in nature, but in the Jakobsonian sense are qualitative oppositions and privative oppositions and must be treated as such. The formal characteristics of the semiotic square are founded on a dynamic topol- ogy of places and connections and not upon a static logic of terms and connections. Represented graphically in their entirety, the vari-ous components and the interrelationships of the firsttwo levels of the theory of narrativity were workedout in Greimas (1987: 63-83). The semionarrativestructures, constituting the most abstract level orstarting point of the generative trajectory, are presentin the form of a semiotic and narrative grammar.These grammars contain two components (syntacticand semantic) and two levels of depth - a fundamen-tal semantics and a fundamental syntax on the deeplevel, and a narrative semantics and a narrative syn-tax on the surface level. Finally, less deep than theother two, the discursive structures take up the sur-face semiotic structures and set them into discourse.A discursive syntax was identified at this level com-posed of the subcomponents of actorialization,temporalization, and spatialization. The semanticcomponent, or discursive semantics, was said to bemade up of the subcomponents of themantization andfigurativization. The main theoretical problem that arose from thisactantial and semionarrative model is related to thepassage (conversion), on the one hand, from a para-digmatic relation, or a taxonomic morphology, toan operative syntax or syntagmatic relation and, onthe other hand, the passage (conversion) from afundamental abstract syntax to a narrative anthropo-morphic surface syntax and ultimately to a discur-sive-figurative syntax. It can be said that two typesof conversions exist in the theory: 'horizontal' con-versions (dealing with the relations between the syn-tactic and semantic components of each level) and 'vertical' conversions (having to do with the relationsbetween levels).