
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:朱刚、 戴炜栋 上海外语教育出版社 (2008-04出版)  作者:朱刚  页数:550  




  《西方思想经典》为系列教材之一。本书从古希腊罗马一直讲到二十世纪,旨在使英语专业的本科生打下初步的西学基础,以便能够深入地了解西方文化。西方人文思潮是西方文明数千年发展的积累,是西方文化的精华。学习西方思想文化典籍,可以拓宽英语专业本科生在西方文化、科学、哲学、美学等人文、社会、自然科学领域的知识,加深对欧美文化的了解,增加对欧美人文脉络的整体把握,也是英语专业其他专业课程的高度凝练:通过英语表述西方和中华文化精髓,在更高层次上加强“听说读写译”英语语言基本功,提高跨文化交际能力。  在介绍西方思想的同时提供相应的中国人文背景是本教材的一大特色:连接古今,打通中西,帮助学生在跨时代、跨语境、跨文化、跨知识领域的环境下领会与把握中西文化的精髓,中西对比,融会贯通,提高在国际环境下使用双语在较高层次进行文化沟通、思想交流的能力。


Unit  1  The Christian BibleGenesisExodusGospel According to MatthewActs of the ApostlesCompare with China1. Chinese Creation Stories2. 汉译《圣经》之考察Supplementary Reading1. Is Religion Just Organized Supe tition? Is Supe tition Always Religious?2. How Is Science Different from Religion?3. Why [ Am Not a ChristianQuestio  for DiscussionUnit  2  Greek & Roman Sages (1)Socrates: The ApologyPlato: The RepublicCompare with China1. Axial Age2. 苏格拉底与孔子的盐说方式比较Supplementary Reading雅典凭什么判苏格拉底死刑Questio  for DiscussionUnit  3 Greek & Roman sages (2)Aristotle: The PoliticsCicero: On the LawsCompare with ChinaGreat Learning and The MeanSupplementary ReadingMarcus Tullius Cicero QuotesQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 4 Medieval Christian Church Fathe St. Augustine: The EnchiridionThomas Aquinas: Summa Contra GentilesCompare with ChinaNeo-Confucianism and Later Confucian PhilosophySupplementary Reading1. Common Characteristics of Scholasticism2. St. Thomas AquinasQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 5 Renaissance Adventure Christopher Columbus: Journal and LetterNicolo Machiavelli: The PrinceCompare with ChinaThe Rise and Fall of 15th Century Chinese SeapowerSupplementary Reading1. No Chee  for Columbus2. Co ervatives Hail for ColumbusQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 6 Religious ReformationDesiderius Erasmus: A Pilgrimage for Religion's SakeMartin Luther: An Open Letter to the Christian NobilityJohn Calvin: I titutes of the Christian ReligionCompare with ChinaWang Yangming and Matteo Ricci's Progression to ChinaSupplementary Readingxcerpts of the 95 ThesesQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 7 Modern Scientific Thinking (1)Francis Bacon: Novum OrganumRene Descartes: Discou e on MethodCompare with ChinaMatteo Ricci: The Art of PrintingSupplementary ReadingCalculating Machines in China and Europe in the 17th Century -- TheWestern ViewQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 8 Modern Scientific Thinking(2)Galileo Galilei: Letter to the Grand Duchess ChristinaIsaac Newton: The Mathematical Principles of Natural PhilosophyOpticsCompare with ChinaDevelopment of Science in Ancient ChinaSupplementary ReadingCritical ThinkingQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 9 Modern Political ScienceThomas Hobbes: LeviathanJohn Locke: Of Civil GovernmentCompare with China1. Confucianism and Human Dignity: Toward a Balanced View of Rights and Duty2. Locke Talking about China and the ChineseSupplementary Reading1. Political Controve ies in the 17th Century England2. Charles I: Speech Before Execution (January 30,1649)Questio  for DiscussionUnit  10  Classical LiberalismAdam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealthof Natio John Stuart Mill: On LibertyCompare with China1. Western Images of China2. Qianlong Meets Macartney: Collision of Two World ViewsSupplementary Reading1. The Declaration of Independence2. United Natio  Unive al Declaration of Human Rights (1948)Questio  for DiscussionUnit  11 Anti-LiberalismJean-Jacques Rousseau: A Discou e on the Moral Effects of theArts and SciencesFriedrich Nietzsche: The Will to PowerCompare with ChinaFrom Western Liberalism to Asian CommUnitarianismSupplementary Reading1. Edmund Burke: Reflectio  on the Revolution in France2. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the CitizenQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 12 EvolutionistsThomas Malthus: An Essay on the Principle of PopulationCharles Darwin: The Origin of Species (1859)Charles Darwin: The Descent of ManCompare with ChinaThe Warning Voice of Social Darwinism in Early 20th Century ChinaSupplementary Reading1. Autobiography of Charles Darwin2. Piltdown Man ForgeryQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 13 Socialism and Communism,Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Manifesto of the Communist PartyEduard Ber tein: Evolutionary SocialismCompare with China1. Karl Marx on China2. 《共产党宣言》在中国的早期翻译、出版和传播Supplementary Reading1. Study Guide for The Communist Manifesto2. V. I. Lenin: Marxism and RevisionismQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 14 Early 20th Century: Man & SocietySigmund Freud: An Outline of PsychoanalysisJohn Dewey: Liberalism and Social ActionCompare with ChinaJohn Dewey as a Learner in ChinaSupplementary Reading1. Freud on the Couch2. Early Education in ChinaQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 15 Science & ReligionBertrand Russell: A Free Man's Wo hipAlfred North Whitehead: Science and the Modern World (1925)Compare with ChinaBertrand Russell: Chinese and Western Civilization ContrastedSupplementary ReadingAlfred North Whitehead on EducationQuestio  for DiscussionUnit 16 Man & Woman: Modern ExistenceJean-Paul Sartre: ExistentialismSimone de Beauvoir: The Second SexCompare with ChinaThe Fi t Glimpses of ChinaSupplementary Reading1. Existentialism2. Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's OwnQuestio  for Discussion




《新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材•西方思想经典》:普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材培养高素质,复合型外语创新人才理念新颖人文、科学知识融入教材特色明显覆盖知识、技能、文化等科目,总数超过150种体系完备全国30余所著名高校百余位英语教育专家参加编写 阵容强大“新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材”的编写和出版,不仅能满足21世纪英语人才培养的需要,其前瞻性、先进性和创新性也将为外语乃至其他学科教材的编写开辟一条新的思路,拓展一片新的视野。




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