出版时间:2007-11 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:庞继贤,X菲 主编 页数:522
“新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材”为普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材,选材广泛新颖,编写理念先进科学,体系完整宏大。各册循序渐进,全面培养学生的英语综合应用能力。 本套《综合教程补充教案》 充分考虑教学需要,内容丰富,板块众多,包含背景知识、修辞分析、教学建议、课堂活动、难词难句、佳句欣赏、语法分析等等 与《综合教程教师用书》配合使用,相辅相成,为教师讲授《综合教程学生用书》提供丰富的教学资源,帮助教师更充分地挖掘教材,更好地发挥教材的效用。
Unit 1 Text Ⅰ Never Say Goodbye Text Ⅱ The Dinner PartyUnit 2 Text Ⅰ Whatever Happened to Manners? Text Ⅱ An Educator's Moral ResponsibilityUnit 3 Text Ⅰ When Lightning Struck Text Ⅱ Dad Had Lost Any Purpose in LifeUnit 4 Text Ⅰ World of the Future Text Ⅱ How Technology Shapes Our World?Unit 5 Text Ⅰ Dealing with AIDS Text Ⅱ AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)Unit 6 Text Ⅰ Towards a Gender Free Society Text Ⅱ Women and MenUnit 7 Text Ⅰ The Fun They Had Text Ⅱ The LaughterUnit 8 Text Ⅰ Five Traits of the Educated Man Text Ⅱ When Does Education Stop?Unit 9 Text Ⅰ World Wide Web Technology: What's Hot and What's Not? Text Ⅱ Computer Technology Keeps People Worlds Apart Unit 10 Text Ⅰ Hollywood Text Ⅱ The Disney CompanyUnit 11 Text Ⅰ How to Be True to Yourself Text Ⅱ Becoming a Child of Nature: It's a Twofold Task of Parents and ChildrenUnit 12 Text Ⅰ She's Leaving Home Text Ⅱ On Going HomeUnit 13 Text Ⅰ Darkness at Noon Text Ⅱ He Rocked, I ReeledUnit 14 Text Ⅰ Cultural Encounters Text Ⅱ Does Your Body Betray You?Unit 15 Text Ⅰ Salvation Text Ⅱ The Capture of Kunta KinteUnit 16 Text Ⅰ My Forever Valentine Text Ⅱ Make Today CountTest for Units 1-4Test for Units 5-8Test for Units 9-12Test for Units 13-16Test for Units 1-16Appendix: Key to the Tests